His Childhood

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This is Crimsons childhood to clear things up about why he admires Tord so much! Hope you guys enjoy this part! (It will be in 3rd person)

A young boy sat in the local orphanage in Oslo, Norway. Kids running around and playing with toys but he wasn't like the others. He was quiet and payed all of his attention to the TV in the main room. His name was Arid. People often feared him because of the meaning of his name but he just waited to see the wanted person on the news. Red Leader. The man was young and looked to be in his late teenage years. Arid sat there until the caretaker called him "Arid!" He got up and looked back at the TV until he turned on his heels and walked over. "Happy 5th birthday! How about we throw you a small party" This woman's name was Lisa, she's from england. The small boy shrugged as the woman sighed. "Waiting to see Red Leader on the TV again?.." She said in defeat. He could only nod at her. She knew why he was quiet and she felt bad knowing his parents killed themselves for thinking he's a demon. All she could do was feel pity for the young norwegian boy. His head perked up when he heard his idols 'name' on the T.V.
He quickly ran back to the main room and sat down. Lisa crossed her arms and sighed when a big smile popped on the boys face. She smiled calmly and sat down next to him, watching the T.V. She didn't support Red Leader but she was just glad the small boy was  happy. "Jeg vil kjempe ved siden ham en dag.." He quietly said. The woman's eyes widened. She had taken it upon herself to learn his native language so that one day she could understand him. "You wanna be a leader to, huh? Fight next to Red Leader? really?" She said with a small laugh. "Ja!" He said excitedly. All she could do is hug him with tears forming up in her eyes. She was glad she was wrong about him being mute. Then something oh so wrong happened just a few minutes later. 

The wrong person came at the wrong time..

Black Leader knocked on the orphanage door. Once Lisa opened it her eyes widened as Arid walked over. His expression went from confused to shock in the matter of seconds. "Hello! How can I be of assistance-" Lisa was cut off as she was shot. Arid just stood there as the woman's body dropped onto the floor. He starred at the body with a mix of fear and rage at the man at the door. "What a pain. Of course I had to be the one to kill this bitch. My soldiers don't listen to me I swear to god-" He was cut off after looking down at the 5 year old blonde which he didn't notice until after. He looked at Black Leader slowly "monster.." The blonde said. "Jeg haper at jeg en dag vil vaer den som dreper deg, din drittsekk.." (I hope that one day I will be the one to kill you, you asshole...) The leader bent down on one knee and smiled. "Sorry kid. I have to do something to trigger Red Leader after all" The boy was shocked that the man understood him. "Besides. You are just a little brat. You can't kill me." The boy looked down and remembers some words he's heard before. "Try me." The leader was honestly shocked that this little kid wasn't scared of him. "Let me ask you a question kid." The leader said. "Is Red Leader the good guy or the bad guy here? You obviously know about me so therefor you must know who he is." The man continued. The small male wiped his tears from his eyes and put on a monotone expression. His eyes going blank. "He's the good guy. Your the monster. He would never do something like this." His english coming from memory and from listening to other kids learn as well. He hasn't noticed his very well english. The man in black stood up and turned on his heels. "Your lucky I don't kill children. But as soon as your a registered adult your head is mine kid." The man walks off. Arid turns around as 27 kids surrounded looking at the body. Arid looked at it as well but his emotions where almost gone. He had pickpocketed the man who just walked off. He walks to the main room and puts his shoes on. "W-where are you going?.." A small girl a little older than him said. He could just look at her and all the other children and roll his eyes. "Away. And so are all of you." He says as he pulls a grenade out of his left pocket. He pulled it and threw it in the orphanage. He then walked out calmly and as soon as he got across the street the place he was raised in blew up. He covered his ears and after it went off he continued walking. He knew very well about what he did. But he didn't want them to suffer and rick witnessing what he just did. In his eyes. He saved them. He then ran to the local playground when he heard police sirens. He didn't know what he was doing but he knew what he was going to do. 
"Jeg vil drepe deg. Merk mine ord, Black Leader." (I will kill you. Mark my words, Black Leader.)
From there. He learned as much as he could about living alone on the streets. From there. He survived to be 15. 10 years. He had learned a little more english and enrolled himself in school. He was shocked to find out that Red Leader had lost his arm but as he hoped, the man he wished to be like was still alive. He had met a few of the mans soldiers and became friends with two of them. Paul and Patryk. The often visited him. And often gave him money for food and clothes. That was when he enrolled himself in school and began planning out how he was gonna get his army running.

Sorry that its edgy! (And hella cringey) Its just what I have been thinking about so thats what I did! I also have Covid rn so I'm struggling hella hard rn. Anyways I'll see you guys in the next part! :]

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