Leader Meeting.

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Crimson's POV:

People simply think I'm just a naturally quiet person, but I'm not. I can understand English but its hard to speak it for me. I know how to speak small and 'simple' sentences. But I will be meeting the other leaders today if that's even a plus side to this entire thing. I walked around my base which was filled by solders saluting to me as I pass and others doing work. I sighed, luckily the meeting wasn't far. I have about an hour to waist before I get on the plane. I don't really want to go to this meeting but I heard it was mandatory. Besides, I heard the red leader just got a second in command. Speaking of second in command, mine ran up to me, panting. "Crimson! I've been looking everywhere for you ya know!" I tilted my head at my nonbinary second in command who also has been my lover for 4 years. "Black sent you a message via email, sir." I nodded "I see.. hva var meldingen? (What was the message?)" I responded "The meeting time has changed, we have to get on the plane in about 5 minutes, sir." they responded. I nodded. "reason being?" I stood up straight, putting my arms behind my back. "Well, Red wanted to change the time to a bit earlier. As he is the first strongest army they couldn't really talk back." They smiled underneath the despair mask I have provided them for privacy.  I've taken a liking to being known as the 'Masked Leader' I nodded "rettferdig nok (fair enough)" I offered my hand for them to take, them accepting and us walking back to my office. Our relationship has stayed in the base so far. And doesn't help without out masks, no one knows who we are. I mean, Silver Leader knows my lover/ second in command but doesn't know me. He doesn't know either of us with our masks on nor does the other leaders. Little does Red know, he met me out of my mask at the café in Birmingham. He also has yet to know that  I will be watching him. I have 2 soldiers out as spy's but not to ruin his plans of course, just to keep me updated.  Besides, the whole point of me making this army was to fight by his side. I have idolized him since his army started of course. He doesn't and shouldn't have to fight on his own.

I grabbed the stuff I needed from my office for the meeting.  3 days will be the time period I'm gone for. I sent an email out to all of my soldiers saying I had to leave early "Alright, lets get going" I said to my second in command. There name is Silver but there cover up name is Gris. They nodded and smiled. They had a very heavy french accent but they're actually from Quebec. I headed out of my office, Gris walking not to far behind me. The plane had luckily been prepared already so I'm kind of glad I had everyone start preparing for my leave yesterday morning. With that we got on the plane and we where in the air, on the way to this very 'important meeting'.

Tord's POV

The day of the leader meeting. Crimson will be there but I heard that he doesn't really talk much unless needed. Tom's tagging along as my second in command which became official yesterday.
We had to get on the plane in about half an hour so Tom decided to go check up on soldiers before we headed to the meeting. This meeting wasn't to important to me but in order to keep my army running I sorta have to attend the damn things. I sat in my desk waiting for Tom or who most know him as 'Blue' finished checking on his errands. I looked at the paper's on my desk and rolled my eyes "These are just bullshit." I sent a message to Tom and went to walk around the base. I rolled my eyes as I was getting impatient and looked at Tom after he returned. "Send an email out to the other Leader's for me please. Tell them I want to meeting to be in about 20 minutes. I want to get this over with" I said in a calm yet irritated tone. "Gods, you really need to get out of that habit of being impatient, but of course. I will do that right away" He chuckled at me as I smiled "Thank you, Witness" I replied. I knew he was right but I wasn't going to admit it. Tom walked off to my office to write the email. mainly to the meeting head which was Black Leader. I also wanted to see if I have seen this new (ish) leader somewhere before. About 5 minutes later Tom walked back. "Emails have been sent out, Commie" I nodded and sighed.  He smiled softly "And he replied immediately" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow "He said the meeting will then take place in 20 to 25 minutes. He said he has sent out emails to the other leaders including Crimson" He continued. I smiled "Great! Then in that case lets go ahead and get headed. The meeting isn't far and I'm sure the other leaders are also already headed to the location" He nodded in response and we got headed.

Alright everyone, here is the part!  Sorry it took forever I really just said fuck it and started writing lmao. Sorry that I left you on another cliff hanger this was kind of rushed as of (like I said) Im busy prepping for my move. But I truly hope you guys enjoyed this part of the story. I put alot of thinking into it since Crimson/ Arid doesn't have much lore to him yet and I had to add him somewhere in the story. Anyway, See all of you very soon!

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