1.10 Libra

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(TW: Homophobic slurs and actions)

Rebecca stared at the group at her front door. They were an odd bunch; an Elf, a male harpy, a bird fey, a merman, and two humans.

Rebecca was 5'6" and looked similar to Iris; long blonde hair and pale skin, but without any freckles and she was a human. Her eyes were a rich blue color and her hair was trimmed neatly. Her outfit consisted of a nice white blouse and a blue skirt that lay right above her knees. She had a black belt around her waist and black flats on her feet.

"We just want to talk." The harpy said.

"You want me to join your team and save the world, huh?" Rebecca clasped her hands behind her back, prim and lady-like, just like she'd been taught.

"Uh- how did you know?" The elf asked, bewildered.

"Please, when I received my mark I did research to figure out what it was. I found legends and memoir of the Chosen Zodiacs and their cycles. When it started glowing a week and a half ago I knew the Leo had activated and that you all would be coming soon to find me." She explained. "It was just a matter of when that I couldnt figure out."

The harpy let out a small laugh "I like this one."

"Oh honey, trust me, everyone does." Revecca smiled a bit mischievously. "My name is Rebecca and I'm your Libra. She pointed past her skirt to the flats on her feet. Resting on her left ankle was the Libra sign. It looked like an upside down horseshoe over a straight line.

"It does seem that way." Keith replied matter-of-factly.

They all stood there for a moment. Rebecca had realized that she hadn't thought this far. She knew they were coming and that was the extent of it.

"Rebecca darling, who's at the door?" A head popped around the corner of the hallway behind her, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes that looked like rebecca, but older.

"Remember that thing I told you about? The thing with the zodiacs?" Rebecca turned fully around to face her mother.

"Oh! Are they here already?" She seemed a bit excited as she came the rest of the way around the corner in a soft looking sundress. "Well what are you waiting for? Let them in!"

The group followed Rebecca and her mother into their enormous house. Hey entered a backroom with glass walls on two sides, gazing out into a massive garden with a fountain and more kinds of flowers than anyone there could count. In the middle of the room was a large circular table with elaborate chairs set up around it. On the table was a pastry tray with three plates all stocked with delicious looking tarts and pastries. There was also a white teapot with a fancy silver pattern on it and a matching set of cups and saucers waiting beside it.

Rebecca's mother called for a man who seemed to be a servant to get a couple extra chairs and cups. He finished setting up the table and then stood himself beside the doorway the group had come in. She then invited the group to sit down at the table and they got situated as instructed. Brianna sat between Amber on her left and Iris on her right. To the right of Iris was Ash followed by Nolan and Keith sat on the left of Amber. Rebecca was on the other side of Keith and her mother, who had introduced herself as Alice, was in the last remaining spot.

"We've been expecting you for almost a year now." Alice chipped cheerfully. "You already seem like quite the lively group." She stared directly at Brianna. "But I cant seem to figure out why you seem so familiar."

"Me?" Brianna pointed at herself.

"Yes, you." Alice nodded. She went silent for a moment, pondering. "What was your name again?"

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