2.11 Would you Rather?

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"Well, Imma head out." Jest put her hands on her hips, nodding.

"What?" Rebecca and Clementine said in unison. Clementine had enjoyed having someone there that completely understood her accent.

"I got ya ta Abbadon, but I'm not too keen on stayin here long." Jest patted clementines shoulder. "Call me up again if ya ever need a guide."

"Will do." Amber gave her a wave. Clementine had only recently decided to get out of bed, so she was still processing the fact that Keith had woken up Avery and Brianna early to try and get them to summon their weapons. Avery had finally succeeded in summoning two sickles.

At least, that's what he had told her they were called.

Clementine watched Jest fly off, sad to see her go.

Brianna was still struggling with her weapon, and it seemed no matter how anyone tried to help, she still couldnt do it. Keith seemed genuinely upset at this, as if the prospect of being in Abbadon made it too late for her to not have it down yet. Elizabeth was still a bit upset over whatever she had been mad about the night before. Amber was upset that Elizabeth was still upset and wouldnt talk to her about it. Ash was upset because Keith had accidentally woken him up early too. Everyone else was cranky because several people were collectively upset and snippy.

So the morning was off to a great start.

Clementine helped George and Carson take down one of the tents because they seemed to be the only two that hadn't caught the mood yet. They were playing a game of would you rather amongst the three of them.

"Would you rather eat pickled eyeballs, or cover yourself in large colorful polka dots for a week?" Carson asked George.

"Didnt say I have to eat all of them if I dont like them." George smirked. "I'll eat the eyeballs." He turned to Clementine "would you rather swim in a swimming pool, or a sewer."

"Both are terrible choices." Clementine noted, considering the chlorine in her eyes versus the literal crap. "But I' guess the swimmin pool." Clementine looked at Carson. "Would you rather slap Ash, or Amber."

Carson considered that one for a bit longer than she expected, as if he really had to make the choice between the two. "I think I'd take my chances with Amber."

"Bold move." George laughed.

"Alright smart guy. Would you rather ask out Elizabeth or Clementine?"

Clementine stopped what she was doing and looked at George, considering his fate at either answer. He audibly gasped and looked at Clementine in return.

"That is not a decision that is safe to make either way." He decided.

"You have to answer." Carson pushed a bit.

George looked at him skeptically, before taking a deep breath in and out. "Clementine. I don't really know much about Elizabeth."

Clementine smiled a bit as he turned to look at her. "Good choice." She nodded at him.

He chuckled. "What about you? Would you rather ask out me or Avery."

"You. 100%. I barely talk to Avery. He don't seem all that social."

"Fair enough."

"What is wrong with you?!" The trio turned to see Ash and Amber glaring at each other again.

"Oh boy." Carson immediately stepped over, hoping to calm Amber down. Nolan was already by Ashs side, hoping the same for Ash.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I am the only sane person here." Ash rebuttled. "At least I can recognize that some things are being left out."

"Theres no secrets! You're just being superstitious." Amber crossed her arms. The rest of the group had gathered around, not entirely sure what was going on either.

"Yeah, sure. Then what is it that you and Keith have hushed conversations about?"

"Hey, maybe you two can talk this out in a civilized manner." Brianna intervened.

"You can have a say in this once you summon your weapon and stop being such a dead weight." Amber snapped at her.

Brianna looked offended and a bit angry at that, but Iris quickly stepped up. "Dont call her that!"

Amber gave Iris a glare that was far more menacing than any Clementine had seen so far.

"Stop!" Ash spoke loud and clear. "You are mad at me, not them. Don't you dare take this out on them."

"You're one to talk. Remind me again who challenged me to a fight immediately upon meeting me, and you want to lecture me about anger?" Amber diverted her attention back to Ash.

"Oh, you wont let that go, will you?" Ash groaned. "We had just been attacked by Zach, so excuse me for being on edge."

"That's no excuse to resort to violence without reason." Amber argued.

"Y'know what? I still dont trust you. How am I supposed to when all you seem to do is sneak around behind our backs."

"And you think your little midnight trips, sneaking off with Nolan, goes unnoticed?" Amber motioned toward Nolan with her arm.

"That's not hurting anyone and I'm not going to just deny it when confronted."

"Theres nothing to tell." Amber held her ground.

Ash shook his head. "Theres something, and I'm not sticking around unless its revealed."

"You cant just leave! None of us can."

"Well I refuse to sit around and put myself and the people I love in danger just because of your arrogance."

This was getting far more out of hand than any of their previous arguments. The worst part, clementine thought, was that Ash was right on this. The group hadn't been built on trust or reliance, but rather forced and rushed. She didnt particularly want to be there, or try to fight some king over the fate of the world.

Ash took a couple steps back from Amber, raising his chin expectantly. When she said nothing, he huffed. "I'm leaving, if anyone would like to join me, you're welcome to."

That was how it started. Clementine was unsure of all the events past that, since she decided to follow Ash, but she knew that the battle the others would face was something none of them would ever forget.

(Oooh, foreshadowing. Only 9 more chapters left in this arc. Let's see how things pan out from here.)

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