Part 2 Announcement

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As you may have figured out, Part 2 of the story has come to a close.

AND WHAT A FREAKING ROLLERCOASTER IT WAS (both to write and to read)

Huge shoutout to @Mr_Space_Wanderer , probably the only consistent reader I know of, correct me if I'm wrong. they've read and voted on every chapter the day it comes out and that makes me really happy! thanks for reading.

now, onto the deal.

I have prepared some of Part three. I'll start posting the chapters, probably more randomly than before. i currently have 9 of them roaring and ready to go.

here's some questions you all might have in the meantime:

how was Brianna the traitor when it seemed so obvious that it was Iris? why didn't Keith and Amber suspect Brianna?

Brianna, as previously mentioned, noticed Zach attempting to approach Iris. when she confronted him, he was honest about his plans and she offered to take Iris's place, and in return, her and Iris could walk out of the battle alive. Zach agreed to give them a way out, but could not promise their safety if they returned. Brianna had stolen Keith's notebook, but had accidentally lost her bag previously, so Iris let her use her bag instead. that was why Keith found the notebook in Iris' bag. Brianna got a new bag when she went with the supply group at the coastal city. there are several times where Brianna steps away and happens to send information to Zach including but not limited to; when she was getting drinks for her and Iris at the party (that was why she took so long), when she was below deck with a motion sick Iris (she received a note from the stowaway), and when she caught Amber and Carson on the beach. the note she got from the stowaway told her to hold onto Iris near the red dot, so when the team got separated, the two could stay together. 

as for why Keith didn't suspect her, he was still clinging to the notions of who everyone was by their sign, Brianna's being Aries. Keith knew that Aries were known for their loyalty, but he believed that her loyalty was to the team when truly, it was to Iris first and foremost.

Which Characters are which signs? it gets mixed up sometimes.

Okay, I know they get mixed up sometimes, so I have several charts posted with the characters, their signs, and their species, but here's a more in-depth organization. (stats are from 1-12, 1 being the lowest, rankings are 12-1, 1 being the highest. no two have the same stats in one category, and stats are temporary, as they can become stronger later.)

Amber Sallow:
Sign: Leo
Sign placement: Left hip
Species: Elf
Birthday: August 19
Element: Fire
Ranking: 1
Attack: 12
Defense: 1
Speed: 8
HP: 10
MP: 10
IQ: 4

Carson Capri:
Sign: Sagittarius
Sign placement: Right neck
Species: Satyr
Birthday: November 30
Element: Fire
Ranking: 8
Attack: 5
Defense: 8
Speed: 11
HP: 5
MP: 5
IQ: 2

Sign: Aries
Sign placement: Right shoulder
Species: Human
Birthday: April 11
Element: Fire
Ranking: 6
Attack: 7
Defense: 6
Speed: 7
HP: 12
MP: 1
IQ: 3

Avery Jameson:
Sign: Virgo
Sign placement: Left neck
Species: Human
Birthday: September 4
Element: Earth
Ranking: 7
Attack: 6
Defense: 7
Speed: 2
HP: 4
MP: 4
IQ: 11

Elizabeth Artemas:
Sign: Capricorn
Sign placement: Back of left hand
Species: Wendigo
Birthday: January 15
Element: Earth
Ranking: 9
Attack: 4
Defense: 9
Speed: 12
HP: 2
MP: 8
IQ: 6

George Poppy:
Sign: Taurus
Sign placement: back of right hand
Species: Troll
Birthday: May 3
Element: Earth
Ranking: 5
Attack: 8
Defense: 5
Speed: 9
HP: 9
MP: 11
IQ: 1

Iris Stoves:
Sign: Gemini
Sign placement: left cheek
Species: Eagle Fey
Birthday: June 17
Element: Air
Ranking: 3
Attack: 10
Defense: 3
Speed: 10
HP: 1
MP: 12
IQ: 5

Alex Allen:
Sign: Aquarius
Sign placement: Right hip
Species: Siren
Birthday: February 1
Element: Air
Ranking: 10
Attack: 3
Defense: 10
Speed: 1
HP: 7
MP: 9
IQ: 12

Rebecca Branson:
Sign: Libra
Sign placement: Left ankle
Species: Human
Birthday: October 5
Element: Air
Ranking: 4
Attack: 9
Defense: 4
Speed: 3
HP: 11
MP: 2
IQ: 7

Nolan Erian:
Sign: Cancer
Sign placement: Right wrist
Species: Merman
Birthday: July 28
Element: Water
Ranking: 2
Attack: 11
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
HP: 8
MP: 6
IQ: 9

Clementine Ichthys:
Sign: Pisces
Sign placement: Left elbow
Species: Hippocampus
Birthday: March 14
Element: Water
Ranking: 11
Attack: 2
Defense: 11
Speed: 5
HP: 3
MP: 7
IQ: 8

Asher Williams:
Sign: Scorpio
Sign placement: Left palm
Species: Hyman
Birthday: October 31
Element: Water
Ranking: 12
Attack: 1
Defense: 12
Speed: 6
HP: 6
MP: 3
IQ: 10

Again, these are base stats, not personal attacks against particular signs. these are the original stats of all zodiacs in a cycle when they get the signs, and they can be trained to raise them

If you have any other questions, or anything to say at all, PLEASE comment. I promise it does not bug me, and I get way too excited to see a notification from ya'll.

I'll also post a Part 2 Recap for you all.

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