NO 3.20 Escape Plan

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"Keith!" Amber waved at the harpy as he caught sight of her from across the busy morning market rush. He had to push and shove to get across the street. He was wearing a grey cloak that covered his low-set wings. His long hair was pulled into a bun at the base of his neck and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses over his hazel eyes.

"Hey!" He hugged the Leo and glanced behind her at the Lorelei she had left with a month ago. "It was hard to find you."

"Yeah, sorry about that." She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the ally they were standing outside of. He was led through the city and down into the rebel base. The others came to say hi, but something was off, he could tell.

"Amber?" She pulled him along once again, saying there were some people he needed to meet.

"Hmm?" She didnt look back at him.

"Where's George?"

She stopped walking, sending a feeling of dread digging into his stomach. She turned her head slightly, slowly, looking back at him with a sad look.

"He-" she looked away again. "He didnt make it."

Her words were quiet enough that Keith wondered if he had actually heard her right. He pulled his hand out of hers and she turned to look at him.

He shook his head slowly. "What? How?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Keith." Amber put her had on his shoulder. "Theres a lot you need to know, but you were supposed to be here a week ago, so there's not any more time."

He swallowed, looking at her serious expression, then nodded and she once again led him through the tunnels, slower this time. Keith stayed quiet, thinking, wondering what all he missed.

She stepped into what looked to be a gym. There was a group of four teens sitting cross legged in a circle chatting. They were up on the higher area of the room, far enough away that Keith couldnt see any of their faces very clearly.

"Sakura." Amber called out. One of the teens lifted her fox ears and looked across the room. Then she said something to the others and jumped up, transforming into a very small fox and running down to Amber and Kieth. When she got closer, she stopped, looking at Keith and putting her ears down defensively.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"This is Keith, Keith, this is Sakura."

Keith waved at the fox as her ears shot back up. "The Harpy?"

Amber nodded. "Yep."

Sakura sat back, relaxing a bit. "I didnt expect to meet him so soon."

Amber gave her a look. "Mind shifting back?"

Sakura lifted her snout. "Yes, I do."

Amber pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please?"

Sakura huffed and shifted back to her original form, a small fox fey with red and pink hair and a tail and light pink eyes with-

"The Gemini?" Keith gaped.

"Yep." Amber crossed her arms. "She's already trained and everything."

Amber watched him process for a second before saying goodbye to Sakura. "I'll see you in a couple days."

"Dont die." Sakura growled back, shying away from the hand Amber had offered her.

Amber chuckled. "I'll try, thanks." Then she turned back to Keith. "We've gotta keep going. Theres a lot to cover before the riot at noon." She started walking out of the room.

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