NO 3.21 The Head

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"Sorry." Olive muttered, "we've got to make this look believable. Have there been any changes?" she hoisted me up, the cuffs behind my back were tight, but not to the point of painful.

"Nope," I saw some other soldiers looking our way, and so I stomped on her foot.

"Ow!" She flinched.

"Sorry, we've got to make this look believable." I teased.

"Touché." She mumbled, leading me to a large covered cart that already had several other rebellion members, and some of my own team.

"Dont I get read my rights?" I huffed.

"Dont cause trouble." Olive helped me up into the cart across form Clementine, who glared at her. Either she was a really good actress, or she really didnt like Olive.

Most likely the second one.

Elle and Alli put up the biggest fight, it seemed, as they were the largest participant in the riot.

Once Olive stepped away, Clementine smirked. "That was fun."

"Rioting?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Things like this are only officially considered a riot if they have four or more participants." I looked to the person who sat beside Clementine. As it turned out, it was Dixie.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I didnt think she was one of the active members.

"Well, I'm here in case anyone gets hurt." She nodded, pressing her lips together.

Beside her was Avery, who was sitting very stiffly, looking at the wooden floor of the cart worriedly.

"You okay?" Elizabeth, who was across from him, tapped the floor where he was glancing with one of her feet.

He looked up at her, startled, before biting his lip and nodding. I had figured he wasnt one of the best options for this, but Vel insisted, saying we had to have at least four of us, and that Zach knew everyone else.

If he doesn't know that we know them, he cant use them against you. Narashima seemed to understand it better.

"Yeah, but why even try to get them in like this in the first place?" I muttered under my breath.

Because it could be more dangerous scaling a castle with a larger group. The more that are already in, the better.

I huffed and Clementine raised an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"

"Just talking to the voice in my head." I replied. "Thinking maybe he would have a better understanding of why the hell we agreed to something so stupid."

Clementine shrugged. "What else would we do? I don't recall ever doing anythin that wasn't stupid. Remember that time an echidna snuck into the house in the middle of the night?"

I chuckled. "It tried to wrap itself around Ash and he jumped out the window and basically body slammed it from two stories up."

Clementine laughed. "Yeah! And when Rebecca discovered she could make different types of ammo?"

"She nearly lit herself on fire."

Elizabeth added to the conversation. "You cant forget when Amber learned we could use each others weapons."

"Okay!" I defended. "My actions then were perfectly reasonable."

"Or ya were high off of lack of sleep." Clementine teased. "Who even tries to put a whole bunch of weapons together to make a super weapon?"

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