Some Things Never Go Our Way

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Laura leads me into the kitchen, "What's going on?" I ask her. Laura takes a deep breath, "Jared wants to have kids." She says. "That's great." I say and she shakes her head, "No, Maggie its not. I went to the doctor to get checked out and see if I was in good health. Turns out I can't have kids." She says. I grab her hand, "Laura, why?" I ask her. "Because I have ovarian cancer, and I need to get a hysterectomy." She says with tear filled eyes. I hug her and she begins to sob on my shoulder, "I'm scared, Maggie." She says. "Laura, does Jared know?" I ask.

She steps back drying her eyes, "No, I'm afraid, he'll leave me." She says. "He won't leave you. I've known him for years, he's not that guy. Go home and tell him." I tell her. She sniffles and blows her nose, "Maggie, I really wanted kids. I mean I wanted to have that bond that you have with Jenn and Liv and go on playdates. I'll never have that mother and child connection. I'll never have sleepless nights over colic." She cries more with every word spoken.

"Laura, talk to your husband, we're all here for you." I say giving her a hug. "I can't go back out there like this, can you tell him to just meet me at the car?" She asks, "Of course." I say heading outside. I look around and spot Jared with Derek, laughing. I make my way over there, and tap Jared on his arm. "Hey, Laura's out by the car, she said to meet her over there." I tell him, a look of concern washes over his face. "Is she ok?" He asks, I nod with a smile. He says bye and heads off to meet her.

Derek snakes his arm around my waist, "Is she ok?" He asks. I look up at him, "This stays between us, ok." I say. He nods, "Jared wants kids but she found out she has ovarian cancer and has to have a hyrsterectomy." I tell him. He puts his hand to his mouth shaking his head. "Damn, so she's not ok." He says. I shake my head.

An hour later everyone leaves, "Hey, I'm gonna lay the kids down, you got Bailey?" I ask Derek. He nods scooping her up and tickling her belly. Her little giggles echo through the house as Derek carries her upstairs. I look over at the twins and smile a little bit. Elijah has Alaina in a hug, and it almost looks like they are slow dancing. I walk over and pick them up, "Come on goofy kids, lets go to bed." I say to them. "No!" They shout into my ears as I carry them upstairs. They've got so heavy, I'm winded by the fourth stair. "Do you need help?" Derek says from the top of the stairs.

I look up at him, "I'm fine, Just make sure I don't fall backwards." I say. He laughs and comes down to grab Alaina.

Together we sing them to sleep, as soon as we walk out closing the door behind us, Derek gets this look in his eyes, like a tiger going after his prey. I giggle and run towards our room.

The next morning while I'm making breakfast, Bailey comes down and sits beside Derek on the couch. "Mommy, does Georgia have earthquakes?" Bailey asks me as I bring her, her juice. I stop and look at Derek who has a small grin on his face. "Not usually why?" I ask. "Well, because I thought I heard one but the house wasn't shaking so I don't know." She explains. Derek laughs, "It was probably just the wind sweetie." Derek finally tells her.

Leah comes up, "Good morning, wonderful people." She says sitting across from Derek. "Why are you so cheery?" I ask her. "Oh just because, I have a car, a hot boy taking me to prom, and I'm going to friggin Yale." She says with a huge smile. "Well are we going to meet said hot boy before prom?" I ask her. "Well can he come over tomorrow after school?" She asks. Derek stands up, "Yes he can as long as you cook dinner." Derek says.

She glares at him at first, then smiles wide, "Ok deal. Does that mean I get to pick what's for dinner?" She asks. "Well duh." I say. Bailey looks at her, "Chicken nuggets, Leah." She tries to whisper to her. "No, no chicken nuggets Bailey." Leah tells her. We hear ominous coos from upstairs and Derek heads up to bring the twins down.

"So what is your plan for dinner?" I ask her. "I have no clue. I should call Wyatt and ask him what he likes." She says. I smile as she runs off to her room. Derek comes down with the twins, "Hey feel her head." He asks me leaning down so I can touch Alaina's head. I place my palm on her forehead, "She is a little warm. I'll make an appointment with Dr. Baxter." I say reaching for my phone. "I'll do it." Derek says walking out front.

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