Full House

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It's been a week since Laura's house was broken into. No one has seen Gary or been able to get a hold of him. I haven't told anyone my theory yet. For right now we're going to worry about where Leah is going to be staying. "Derek where is Leah going to sleep? And how about we discuss this with her mother before we jump into taking on a teenager." I say as we sit on the back porch, first alone time we've had since Alaina and Elijah's arrival. "We could turn your office into a room, I mean we were going to anyway in the future. Or convert the attic or the basement. I'll have mom call her mother and ask her to come over." He says as I hear distant cries coming from upstairs. I get up but stop when I see mom coming down with Alaina. When did she get here? I meet her in the kitchen. "Mom, when did you get here?" I ask her helping get a bottle ready. "Oh about ten minutes ago, I saw ya'll out back and heard a cry figured I'd let you two have some time together." She says rocking Alaina. I hand her the bottle, "Thanks." I say.

"So when does Derek start work? And when will you have a permanent babysitter?" She questions. Mom's not to thrilled about us letting Leah stay with us. "He starts next week and I'm not sure we still have to discuss things over with her mother. I think she only wants to stay here though to be closer to Derek, she has a little crush on him." I say and hear Derek laughing from behind. "You're joking right?" He chuckles joining us in the living room.

"I'm serious. I should know the look of a girl who has a crush." I say slapping his leg. Mom begins burping Alaina, when Eli begins to cry Derek goes up to get him. "Man ya'll don't get much time alone with these two." She says, I shake my head and begin making Elijah's bottle. Bailey comes running down in front of Derek. I hear him shout at her, "Bailey Louise! Be careful." Mom gets up and hands Alaina to me, "Well you're gonna have full house, honey." She says patting me on the back and I roll my eyes.

I'm upstairs folding laundry when Derek comes in, "Maggie. I think we need to talk to Leah." He says with a worried tone. "Why?" He sits down and begins folding onesies. "Well her mom didn't pick up so mom called her work. They haven't seen her in over a month." He says. I look up at him, "What? Well why would she lie? And where the hell is her mother?" I ask him and he just shrugs. I pull out my cell and call Leah.

She answers on the fourth ring, "Hello, Mrs Grayson." She answers. "Leah do you mind coming over today we need to discuss living arrangements and your pay." I tell her. "Ok. I can be over around five. Is that ok?" She asks. "Yes that's perfect. See you then."I say and hang up. I hate to lie to her, but she did lie to us. I just want to know why and where is her mother. "Derek, she'll be here around five." I say through the bathroom door. "Ok." Is all he says. I hear the door bell go off and run down to get it before it wakes the babies. I open the door and see Simon standing there. He marches in clearly livid. "You would not believe what just happened?" He says. "What?" I ask leading him into the kitchen. "I was looking at a house with a Realtor. And she asked if my wife would be joining me. When I said no maybe a husband one day, All of sudden she remembered the house was off the market." He says very passionately. "Oh my god! Simon are you serious? She can't do that." I say hugging him. In this day and age people should really learn about equality.

Derek comes down, "Hey Simon. What's up?" He asks him, Simon just lays his head on the table and lets out a groan. I take Derek aside and explain what happened. "What? They can't do that. We set him up with her this is our fault." Derek says. "I'm sure he doesn't think that." I tell him.

Simon and Derek go out back and talk while I clean up the house a little bit.

Five o'clock on the dot Leah arrives. Simon is still here spoiling the twins. "Derek Leah's here." I say as he is coming down stairs. "Hi Leah." He says. Her face turns red as she tilts her head and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Hi Mr Grayson." She says. I guide her over to the couch, Derek and I sit across from her. "Ok so first things first, pay me whatever you can." She says. Derek looks at me then to her, "Look Leah how about you start with where's your mom and why have you been lying to us?" He asks her. She turns red in embarrassment and tries to avoid eye contact.

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