Is This The Life You Want?

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As our plane lands, Derek wakes up. I have no clue how he slept the entire fight. Especially with the screaming kid behind us. We grab our carry on and begin the drudging walk off the plane.

After the baggage claim we take the escalators down and we see a man holding a sign with Mr & Mrs Grayson. We walk up and greet him, He introduces himself as Chris, our driver for the weekend, and takes our bags. We follow him out front, where we're met with a black limousine. Chris opens the door for us and I climb in first, Derek slides in after me. "Should I call Jenn? See how the kids are?" I ask Derek. He looks at his phone, "Maggie, it's only been five hours. We said we'd call once we got to our hotel." He tells me.

We begin to drive off, clearly Chris knows where we're going. "I can't help that I worry about our kids." I say crossing our arms. "You have kids?" Chris asks, I hadn't noticed the privacy window was down. "Yes, Three." I say. "Oh yeah, how old? I have one, he's three and one more on the way." He says. "Bailey is seven, Alaina and Elijah are gonna be three next month." I say. "Twins huh. Must be hectic." He says.

We make more small talk about our kids as we reach the Beverly Hills Hotel. As we are shown to our suite my phone goes off, it's Laura. "Hey Laura, can I call you back?" I ask upon answering. "Yes, but hurry I have good news." She says and we hang up. Our suite is magnificent, it has it's own patio and a beautiful view of the sunset. The bellboy stays and I'm not sure why, I'm about to say something when a very good looking man walks in, "Hi, Maggie. Good to finally meet you. Sorry I couldn't meet you at the airport. Hope Chris got you here alright?" He says, I'm assuming this is John.

"Yes, he did. So you're John? Nice to meet you. This is my um, my Derek." I say with a stutter as John's blue eye's peer at me. He smiles at me and shakes Derek's hand. "You're the husband, I gather." John says. "Yes, I'am. Nice to meet you." Derek says. I feel like a idiot right now, stuttering like an imbecile.

"Well, Chris will pick you up at eight for the gala, until then enjoy the city, Chris is at your disposal when you need him. I suggest the trolley tour, my sister enjoyed it." He says. "Thanks, We'll be sure to check it out." Derek says as John opens the door. He stops, "Oh, Maggie. I really love the pieces you selected." He says and I feel my face begin to burn. Derek tilts his head a me and closes the door after John.

"Really, Maggie? Mr. Blue Eyes?" He says. "Shut up. I didn't think he was going to be good looking." I say. "You're married." He says as he sits on the bean shaped couch. "And you cheated." I say heading to the bedroom. The huge king size bed looks so inviting, so I plop down on it. "You know that was a low blow, not fair at all." Derek says. I prop myself up on my elbows and look at him as he stands at the end of the bed.

"I know. Sorry." I say. "I forgive you, because I love you." He says as he begins to climb on the bed with me. "I have to check out the bathroom." I say jumping up walk away from him. "Really?" He says.

I walk into this glorious bathroom, "Derek!" I shout. He comes running in, "What, is there a bug?" He asks shoe in hand. "No, look at this tub, Jacuzzi thing. It could fit like five people." I say. Derek looks at me a strangely, "What's the purpose of having five people in a tub?" He asks. I backhand his stomach, "Derek, I wouldn't actually have five people in there. I'm just saying, think of the things we could do in there?" I say turning into him and wrapping my arms around him.

He looks at the tub then me several times before it registers, "Oh, Los Angeles ignites your imagination." He says. "Shit! We have to call Jenn." I say slipping away under his arm. I dig through my purse and find my phone quickly dialing her number. "Maggie, they're fine. Enjoy your weekend." She answers. "Sorry, just wanted to let you know we made it safely." I look at Derek as walks into the living room area. "And John is sexy as hell. He has gorgeous blue eyes. I was a stuttering fool." I tell her.

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