Unwanted Attention

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It's been a month, since LA. Everything came together quite well with the space next door. Ian is just about all set up in there. I'm really happy for him.

My phone rings in my purse as I wait for Bailey in front of her school. "Hello?" I answer. "Maggie, it's John." I hang up. He's been calling me nearly everyday, since we left. Each time from a different number. My phone rings again, "Stop calling me!" I shout. "Um, telemarketers bothering you again?" Derek says.

I haven't told him about John calling. It will only upset him, and really what harm can a phone call do? "Yeah. What's up?" I say. "We still going to Connor's birthday party tomorrow?" He asks. "Yes. Why wouldn't we?" I ask, as I see Bailey walking out with Connor, as their little hands are interlocked. "Just wandering." He says. "Derek, when did you have your first girlfriend? I mean like grade school holding hands, sharing lunches sort of thing?" I ask him.

"Shit, Um like maybe third or fourth grade. Why?" He asks. "Because, I think our baby girl has herself a boyfriend." I say as she begins walking towards the car. "Who? I wanna meet him?" He says. "Derek, it's Connor." I say. "Well Peter and I are going to have a little talk." He says. Bailey climbs in and buckles herself up. "Hi, mom." She says.

"Hi, baby. Did you have a good day?" I ask her. "Derek, I'll see you at home. Love you." I say. "Love you too." He says and we hang up. Bailey waits till I set my phone down. "Mom, are we still going to Connor's party?" She asks. "Yes." I reply. I pull out of the school pick up zone and onto the main road.

"Hey mom, when do I get my own phone?" She asks. I look at her and think when did she become a teenager. "When your sixteen." I say. "Mom, kids at school already have their own phones." She whines. "Why do you want your own phone?" I ask her. "Hey, remember I was kidnapped." She says. She's good, smartass.

"I'll talk it over with your father." I say as we turn on our street. "Fine." She says crossing he arms. I pull in just as Derek pulls in beside me. "When are you gonna talk to Dad?" She asks. "Bailey. Louise. Grayson, you are a persistent child. I'll talk to him after dinner." I tell her. She unbuckles herself and whips it off, and storms off into the house.

Derek walks over to me and kisses me, I love his kisses. "What's wrong with Bailey?" He asks. "She's seven going on thirteen." I say. "Can we lock her up in Leah's room forever?" He says. I laugh, "No, I think that is considered child abuse." I say, I hear phone going off I look at the unknown number and decline the call, knowing it's probably John.

"Who was it?" Derek asks. "Unknown number. Come on, Liv will be here shortly with the twins." I say taking his hand as we walk inside. Bailey is already at the table working on her homework. "Bailey, ask us if you need any help ok." I tell her. "Ok." She says. Derek and I sit in the living room. My phone keeps buzzing, Derek looks at me. "Popular today, huh?" He says.

"Yeah, I guess." I say just as the doorbell rings. "Come in." Derek says." Liv opens the door and Alaina and Elijah come running in. They clamber on Derek, "How were they?" I ask. Liv closes the door behind her, "They were perfect as usual, So have you heard from Laura yet?" Liv asks.

Laura's adoption didn't pan out as planned, So the adoption agency set them up with a young girl, around Leah's age, who has chosen to give her baby up for adoption. Laura and Jared are at the hospital with her now, she went into premature labor last night.

"No I haven't heard anything. I'm sure she'll call when she can." I say. "It's nerve racking. Oh, I almost forgot they did great in the pull ups, they used the bathroom when they had to go, only had two accidents." She says. "Derek did you hear that, they're getting better at using the potty." I say poking at their sides. "You taking Paul to Connor's party?" I ask her. "Yup, not sure if Ryan will make it, but Paul and I will be there. Ryan's talking about more kids. I want to wait at least one more year." She says.

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