The Bitch is Back!

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"Derek, Leah's friend will be here to pick her up any minute. You coming down?" I shout from the bottom of the stairs. He appears at the top stair, "Yeah, Just got off the phone with the boss man. I gave him my two weeks. He said it's not needed, just to come in Monday and pick up my last check." He says making his way down. "Oh really, he must have really wanted to get rid of you." I say with a smile. He rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around my waist. "Very funny, I guess you could say I wasn't great but I gave it my best." He says grazing his lip over mine, before we can deepen it Leah screams from her room. We run down to see whats wrong.

Upon opening the door I see Leah with a blow dryer and a brush and tangled mess of hair. She turns and has a look of defeat. "Oh hon, what did you do?" I say walking towards her to assess the damage. "I was trying something new I saw on Pinterest. It's clearly not working." She says crossing her arms as I take over holding her blow dryer and brush. I look at Derek, "Baby, call the girls." I say, He nods and walks closer, "Which girls?" He asks. "Laura, Liv, and try Jennifer. Ok hurry." I tell him and he run back upstairs.

I manage to untangle the brush and the attachment she had on her blow-dryer. I look down at her laptop and see the picture she was trying to replicate. "Leah, sweetie are you nervous?" I ask her. "Yes, I mean this is technically my first date, before mom got sick I went a private school for girls. So no boys." She answers. "Well I would say don't be nervous, but that's easier said than done. I remember my first date with Derek I was so nervous I actually threw up." I tell her. She laughs, "Really? You were nervous?" I sit down in her desk chair, "Oh god yes. I was twenty but still nervous." I laugh at the memory and think wow, I would never imagined we'd wind up here.

"So like what's the story with you guys?" She asks looking in the mirror, I'm assuming she's debating on changing her outfit. "Well we grew up around here, our parents were friends. So we became fast friends. Inseparable even. We went to his senior prom together, as friends. We lost touch after he graduated, When I got back from London, in New York, I learned that he was teaching there." I heard the girls from upstairs. "I'll tell you the rest later." I say as the girls emerge with makeup bags and hair styling tools. "You're lucky to have Liv, she did the models makeup in New York for fashion week." I tell Leah and she beams with delight.

From upstairs I hear the doorbell ring. I stand at the door that leads upstairs and listen, I hear the door open and then close quickly. "You have got to be kidding me." I hear Derek say. "Bailey go downstairs with your mom." He continues. "Hey you girls got this?" I ask, they nod and shue me up. I meet Bailey as she opens the door, "Hey sweetie, go see watch your auntie's help Leah ok." I tell her and she runs down. I walk from the basement and out into the kitchen and run right into Derek. "Who's here?" I ask. He rolls his eyes, "Noelle's here." He says. I walk to the door and open it revealing Noelle. "Girl, you must fifty shades of stupid. What are you doing here?" I ask her. "I'm here to see you guys. Look I know I've fucked up in the past. I just want to be able to know Bailey. As her mother or not." She says. Behind her a beat up truck pulls up and a young boy hops out.

"Noelle, now isn't the time. Maybe we can arrange something at a later time." I say as the boy walks up the drive. "Hi, I'm Trevor." He introduces himself. Noelle eyes him curiously, "This boy is not watching Bailey is he?" She asks. Trevor looks at her with a curious look. "No, just. Come in ok." I say moving aside. Derek gives me a what's wrong with you look. Noelle sits on the couch, and the girls emerge from downstairs, Leah soon follows. Her hair is in a sleek bun with a stand of hair gracing the side of her face. "Wow. Leah you're beautiful." Derek says. She blushes. Trevor stands up, "You look amazing, Leah." He says. Derek walks towards him, "And who are you? Wait, Trevor right?" Trevor gulps and sticks his hand out, "Yes. Good to see you, Mr Grayson." Derek eyes him before shaking his hand.

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