We Just Gotta Have Hope

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Derek's POV

I sit up from the couch, and stretch. Rita kept the twins last night, poor Otis slept in front of Bailey's door all last night. I get up and head for the kitchen but stop when I see Maggie sitting outback snuggled up in her favorite blanket sipping a cup of coffee. I grab myself a cup and join her. I sit across from her at the table outside. "Morning." I say resting my chin in my palm. She does that thing I love so much, where she uses both hands to tuck loose strands of her brown hair behind her ears. I try to hide a smile, "Sleep well?" She asks. Taking a sip of coffee I think of how uncomfortable that damn couch is, "I slept as well as I could considering. You?" She sips her coffee as well, "Tossed and turned mostly."

We sit in silence for several minutes taking in the morning light and the cool breeze. I stand to get a refill and she holds her cup up for me. I take our cups inside, as I'am making her coffee, if you call it coffee the way she takes it, I watch her play with a loose string on the blanket. What the hell is wrong with me? I have the most beautiful girl in the world and I slept with a woman who cheated on me. I head outside and hand her, her cup. I look into her big brown eyes, there's hurt in them. And not just hurt from our daughter missing but a hurt that I put there. I broke her heart.

"Derek." She says tracing the outer rim of her cup. "Yeah." She looks up at me with swollen eyes, "We're gonna find her right?" She chokes out. "Of course we will. I got peter on it. We just gotta have hope and stay positive." I say convincing myself of the very words I speak. She nods, "Well I'm gonna get ready to go get Leah." She heads back into the house. I pray to god my little girl is safe.

On the way to the hospital, Maggie stares out the window and doesn't say a word. As we near Leah's room I see Peter standing outside. "Hey Peter, What's up? Any word?" I ask as Maggie heads in to see Leah. He pulls his suit jacket back and places his hands on his hips, "Well just as a precaution we're keeping an eye on Noelle. Leah kept asking if Bailey ran off because she was scared. Do you think she would do that?" I shake my head, "No, she's too much like Maggie, she'd stay with Leah, no matter what." I tell him. He puts his hand on my shoulder, "Derek, I'll find her, I promise you brother." He tells me. I nod and wipe a tear as Maggie walks out with Leah.

"Well you guys get her home and rested. I'll bring Jenn over later." Peter says and hugs Maggie. We head back home, and on the way Noelle calls me. I see the stare from Maggie and click speaker. "Hello." I say. "Derek can you believe this? Who took our baby?" She cries in to the phone. "Noelle, no I don't believe this, but I appreciate you cooperating with the police." I say, I can feel Maggie's anger within the confines of the car. "Well why wouldn't I. I just don't understand how you could allow Maggie to put the blame on me." She says. "Well, can you blame her? You don't have a very good track record." I see Maggie's shoulder's shake, I hope from a laugh. "Yeah, well people change, Derek." She says. "Well you don't. Please continue being forth coming with the police but leave me alone." I say and click end. I catch a smile from Maggie but it soon fades.

I pull up at home and see Trevor and Tristan waiting out front. Leah gets out and hugs Trevor, Tristan rushes over to help Maggie out I roll my eyes at the gesture. "Maggie. I'm so sorry to hear about Bailey. How are you holding up? Anything I can do?" He eagerly spits out. "Thanks, I'm hanging in there and there's really nothing you can do but keep your eyes peeled." She tells him walking around him. He follows her, into the house. I'm about to follow them but Rita calls me from her porch. I reluctantly head over.

"Derek, honey how is she doing?" She asks. "She's doing, I guess." I say nervously. Rita grabs my hands, "Honey what's wrong? Besides the obvious." I smiles, "Well frankly, I'm not sure why you're talking to me after what I did to Maggie." I explain. She gives me that kind smile I grew up with, "Derek, you're human. A dumb ass, but still human you make mistakes. I cheated on Paul way back when and yes he knew. So I understand. I'm a little upset you strayed from my daughter. But I still love you." She tells me. I hug her tightly and I can't help it but I cry onto her.

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