I Have to Face What I've Done

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"Maggie, I'm happy for you. But do you see us moving to Los Angeles? I mean everything we love is here." Derek says. I told him about The Clover gallery as soon as he got home. As we sit out back watching the kids play and chase Otis around the yard, I think. Will we have this I LA? Will we be able to enjoy a quiet afternoon on our porch?

"I don't know Der, Los Angeles has amazing galleries and to be featured in one is stating that I accomplished my dream." I say to him. "Baby, I know. But you own your own gallery, that people come to from all over. How much more accomplished do you want?" He counters back.

He's right, "Ok, I'll call them back now and tell them no." I say and begin dialing. It rings twice and a man answers with hello. "Hi, is this John?" I ask. "Yes, how may I help you?" He asks. "This is Maggie Grayson, I was just calling to inform you that I won't be taking you up on your offer. Sorry." I pronounce.

"Maggie, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe we can arrange something easier for you. How about we fly you out for the weekend? We have a Gala that we could display your work there and see how it goes?" John says in his best salesman voice. He's good, "Let me talk to my husband, real quick. Just hold on a second." I say and I mute my phone.

I repeat everything to Derek, He nods, "A weekend won't hurt. We could use the getaway. Tell him yes." Derek tells me. "Yes, John. I'll go this weekend but only if my husband can join me?" I say back to him. "Of course, I'll email you your tickets and you send us six pieces of art to display. See you soon, Maggie. Have a nice night." He says and hangs up.

"We're going to LA." I say. "Who are we going to have watch the kids?" Derek asks. "How about we ask Bailey who she wants to stay with." I say. Derek waves Bailey over and she runs over sitting in front of us. "Hey mom and I need to ask you something?" Derek says to her. "Like what?" She says looking to me then Derek. "Daddy and I are going out of town this weekend and we thought we'd let you decide who you got to stay with. So aunt Laura or aunt Olivia?" I ask.

Bailey looks at us and scrunches up her nose, "What about aunt Jenn and uncle Peter? I think it would be nice to play with Conner and Aiden." She explains. "Ok daddy will call them and ask. Now go get your brother and sister, time for lunch." I say standing up. Derek stands up with me and looks out at the kids as Bailey holds Eli's hand and Alaina's hand, guiding them towards the house.

"She's a great big sister. I think we need one more though." He says. I lean to the side looking at him. "Are you fucking crazy? Three isn't enough?" I ask. He licks his lips and smiles his wickedly sexy grin, "Three will do for now." He says walking into the house. I place a hand on my hip and shake my head exhaling deeply. He'd done lost his damned mind.

While I cut up some fruits and veggies for the kids, Derek walk in from the living room. "Well Peter and Jennifer say they'd be happy to watch our turds." He says leaning on the counter next to Bailey. He grabs a baby carrot and pops it in his mouth. "Daddy, that's our snack. And turd's a bad word." Bailey scolds him.

Derek raises his eyebrows and bops her on her nose, "Who said turd was a bad word?" He asks her. I hand her, her plate a she begins to tell him. "A teacher at recess heard Conner say it and he had to stand against the wall." She explains. Derek looks at me and smiles. "Ok, I won't say that anymore." He says and tousles her hair before sitting at the table.

"And besides daddy, it's not nice to call people, names. Especially us." She tells him in all seriousness. "She has a point dad." I tease him walking to the twins in their high chairs and hand them their plates. Derek sits at the table with his elbows propped up holding his chin as he stares at me.

I glance a him feeling my heart quicken, "What?" I say. "Nothing. Just imagining our weekend alone." He says. I rest my hand on his arm and smile. There's a knock at the door. Derek heads over to see who it is. I lean over to get a peek at who it is.

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