As Time Passes.

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Four Years Later...

"Bailey, just because your friends are doing things, doesn't mean you have to." I say to my, now eleven year old daughter. "Mom, you're over reacting. It's just detention, I didn't get suspended like them." She says crossing her arms. "That's because your father, knows the principal! Now go to your room!" I tell her. With a roll of her eyes she stomps off. "Mom! Eli won't give me my pencil!" Alaina shouts from the kitchen table.

I walk into the kitchen, "Elijah, give her back her pencil." I say. "But she broke mine." He whines. I look at Alaina, "He kept hitting me with it." She admits. I move her to the other end of the table and grab her a new pencil. "How come she gets a new pencil?" Elijah whines as I'm about to answer the phone, that keeps ringing. "Here, now, don't break it, don't hit her with it. Just finish your homework." I say and turn to continue my task.

"Hello?" I answer. "Hi, Maggie, you busy?" Leah asks. I look at the kids and think when aren't I busy. "No, not at the moment. Why?" I ask her. "Well, I have good news and I would like to tell you and Derek in person. My plane just landed in Atlanta, I'll be there in an hour." She says. "Ok, can you give me a hint as to what this good news is?" I ask. "No, you'll have to wait." She says and hangs up. As soon as I put my phone down it rings again.

"Hello?" I say. "Maggie, Faith is driving me crazy, with all this last minute wedding stuff. Is it normal to freak out this much?" Ian asks. "Ian, your wedding is literally in four days, it's perfectly normal. If she wasn't freaking out, than you'd have a problem." I say to him as I go and check on the twins. "Ok, if you say so. Oh she wanted to know if you have Alaina and Elijah's outfits?" He asks. "Yes, I do. Bailey is being stubborn and doesn't want her hair done, she wants to wear her beanie you gave her. She says it would be symbolic." I tell him. "Ok, well as long as the twins have their things. I'll see you at the rehearsal." He says and we hang up.

I put my phone on the counter and quickly look back, making sure it wasn't going to ring again. "Ok, lets see what you two have." I say grabbing each of their papers and examining them. "Elijah, go over the first three problems again. Alaina, check your spelling. Sometimes the way something sounds isn't how they are spelled. Grab the dictionary." I say and hand them back.

"Maggie." I hear Derek say. I walk in the living room and hug him tightly. "Why, does it seem like the days get longer and longer?" I ask him. He smiles, "Because our kids are older and you have more to do." He says and kisses my head. "Where's my trouble maker?" He asks. "In her room. She told me I was over reacting." I tell him and his eyes go wide. He shakes his head, "And she's not even a teenager yet. We're gonna have our hands full." He says.

"How did you convince her principal to only let her do detention? I mean what she did was pretty bad for the other girls to get suspended." I say. "I volunteered to teach his weekend college class for a month. And have her write an essay." He says. "So, did my tux come today?" He asks me kissing the twins each on their head, Elijah wipes it away quickly and Alaina, being the daddy's girl, hugs him tightly. "Yes, and so did their outfits. Can you believe Ian and Faith are getting married?" I say and Derek shakes his head.

3 Years ago...

"Maggie, I feel it in my soul, she's the one. Faith was sent to me. I don't care if it's only been a year. I'm going to ask her to marry me." Ian tells me over lunch. I finish sipping my water, "Do it. I like her. She treats you right and you clearly love her, James loves you so that's a plus. I'll even help you pick out the ring." I say taking a bite of my salad. "Maggie, I love you. You're like the daughter I never had. I just felt like I needed to clear it with you first." He says. I smile at him and we enjoy our lunch outside as the warm breeze blows through.

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