Chapter 12

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Ellie arrives at Chris's house in Boston on the afternoon of her birthday. She knocks but doesn't wait for a response before entering, knowing that he was expecting her. She opens the front door to a dark house, there are candles everywhere and white flower petals on the ground guiding her towards Chris's room. She knew the flowers were gardenia because the aroma filled her nostrils drawing her closer to Chris. She enters the bedroom to him standing there, waiting for her. The room was full of white candles and flowers, "Chris, this is.."

He just smiles, not letting her finish, "Happy Birthday love." He makes his way to her, wrapping her in his arms, his lips fervently on hers, making her moan. She had wanted this for so long. He pulls off his shirt, "just look at me okay?" Ellie nods her agreement as he reaches out, unbuttoning her shirt, letting it fall to the floor. She undoes his pants as he does the same for her, her eyes never leaving his. Their pants fall to the floor as he removes her bra and panties, throwing them on the floor. "Lay down on the bed Ellie." She does as he requests. "Look at me, and touch yourself."

Chris stands and watches as Ellie puts her legs up, spreading them for him. She runs her hand down her body to her wetness. She starts slowly, rubbing while her other hand finds her breasts and nipples. She doesn't break eye contact with him as she enters two fingers inside, moaning as she does. She starts to speed up and he knows she is close. He removes his underwear and climbs on the bed in front of her as he grabs her hand, pulling her fingers to his mouth, licking her essence from them, "can't finish yet." He tears the wrapper of the condom, rolling it slowly down his shaft as she watches him in anticipation, her chest heaving with heavy breaths. He finally leans down to press his lips to hers as he enters her slowly, making her wrap her arms around him, pulling him in closer. He trails kisses down her chin and neck to her breasts. He gently sucks and rubs her nipples as he continues his long, slow movements inside her. She wraps her legs around him, never wanting to let him go. He leans back, his thumb finding her clit as he speeds up his thrusts making her throw her head back in pleasure. "Look at me love."

She looks at him as she clutches the blanket beneath her. "Chris."

He smiles at the hunger of her gaze, "I know. Together. Ready?" He leans back on top of her, thrusting quicker, deeper. He whispers in her ear, "ready?" She nods, wrapping her arms around him as they both moan out in pleasure making her legs shake. He kisses her passionately one more time before laying next to her.

Ellie lays on the bed, panting. "Chris, I.." She rolls to face him, "I wanna do it again."

Chris laughs, "well, I need some time." He stands up, pulling off the condom, taking it into the bathroom to throw away. He comes back into the bedroom, watching Ellie stare at the ceiling, catching her breath as he pulls on his underwear and some shorts. "I ordered some pasta from that Italian place you like downtown. Should be here soon." He climbs back onto the bed hovering over her, "how was it?"

She puts a hand on the nape of his neck, a grin on her face. "Are you kidding? Best sex I've ever had. I'm used to just being used for someone else's pleasure, not mine."

"I love you. It will always be like this. There's no point unless it's good for both of us." He gently strokes her cheek, his fingers moving to her lips.

Ellie starts to cry, her heart aching because she wasn't used to having anyone care so much about her or how she felt or what she thought. "I love you Chris."

"Hey, it's okay." He wipes her tears away, pointing to her shield necklace she hadn't taken off since he put it back on her in his dressing room. "You're mine now, I'll always take care of you and your heart." He moves his hand down her naked body to her entrance, "and I'll always make sure you're well satisfied." His fingers enter her urgently as he begins to rub her clit, not stopping until she comes again.

"Fuck Chris." She pulls his lips to hers, groaning when there is a knock on the front door.

Chris pulls away as he laughs, "must be the food."

Ellie calls out to him as he leaves the room, "blow out the candles. It's giving me anxiety." She hears him laugh but agrees. She stands up, putting on her panties and his shirt. She blows out all the candles in the bedroom before joining him in the kitchen.


"Chris. Where's all my stuff?" Ellie puts down her pasta and looks at Chris.

"Well, your clothes are back in the closet where they belong." He stands up, "as for the other stuff, follow me." He offers her his hand to take.

Ellie grabs his hand and follows him downstairs to a room. Chris opens the door and motions for her enter. "All your books and comic books, and knick knacks are all in here. You can come in here and read, or whatever you want."

The room has bookshelves on one entire wall and a giant chair in the middle of the room. She notices a guitar in the corner of the room next to a piano. She points to the guitar and groans, "Emily told you I play guitar didn't she?"

Chris smiles, "no, I didn't know that actually. That's my guitar. I play the piano too."

"Wait, really? Will you play something for me?" She sits on the piano bench, facing him as he grabs the guitar and sits in the chair.

"Of course." He sits and watches her for a moment, fiddling with the guitar. "Okay." He starts to play and sing for her, his eyes never leaving hers as he sings Even Now by Dashboard Confessional. "Even now I can smell your skin as I wrap you in a towel. Lay you on the bed, and try to love you."

Ellie sits and watches Chris play, smiling the whole time. When he finishes, he puts the guitar down and she straddles him. "Ugh you are so perfect. I want you." Chris grabs her, pulling her hips down on him. He quickly pulls out his cock and pushes her underwear to the side, entering her in one quick thrust. Ellie moans as she begins to grind on him. Her movements are fast and eager as he pulls her lips to his. Chris moans as he pulls off her shirt and his hands and lips find her breasts, his tongue twirling her nipples in his mouth. She feels the wave of sensations wash over her as she orgasms, him following shortly after, shuddering under her. "God, Chris. I've never had such great sex. I can't get enough of you. Is this how sex is always supposed to be?"

Chris laughs as he holds her in his lap. "I've had terrible sex. Ours is great because we love each other. And I can't get enough of you either." He sighs, "got caught in the heat of the moment.."

Ellie shakes her head, "it's fine. I'm on birth control Chris."

"Good." He grins and pulls her in for a kiss before standing up, still holding on to her. "Come on, we should finish dinner before going back to the bedroom." He smiled at her giggle, threading her fingers in his as she followed him back to the kitchen.

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