Chapter 36

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"Chris. It's been over a month. I don't need you to baby me." Ellie had become increasingly more annoyed as Chris continued to be overprotective. It had been more than a month since her run in with James and weeks since Sebastian went back to New York. She wanted more than anything for things to just return to normal.

Chris grabbed her hand to make her stop getting dressed, "I'm not trying to baby you love. I just don't want anything to happen to you. You don't honestly think he's just given up do you?" He wrapped his arms around her waist to make her look at him.

Ellie groaned, "I know. I just don't know what to do. I can't just stay home forever Chris." She laid her head on his chest, "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I am scared. And we've barely had any time together since you got home."

He ran his fingers through her hair as she rested her head on his chest, "I know love. What about tonight? I'll have Jennifer drop the kids and Dodger at my mom's for the night. Just you and me?"

She pulled away to look at him, "really? That sounds amazing." She brought her hands to the nape of his neck, "I love you so much." She pulled his lips to hers, making him moan at her aggression.

"You can't kiss me like that right before you leave." Chris pulled away out of breath as he watched her finish getting ready. "And I love you too. I'll be home a bit after you. I expect to come home to you naked in the tub."

Ellie laughed as she turned to look at him, seeing him serious, "yes sir."


Ellie came home to find the alarm off, "huh. Chris must have forgotten to set it." The house was dark as she went straight to her bedroom. She turned on the water in the tub, sitting on the edge as it started to warm before starting to undress. She heard someone enter the bedroom behind her as she turned to open the bathroom door, "Chris?"

"No love." Ellie felt her face get hot, the sickness in her stomach as she heard the voice. She was highly aware of the fact that she was standing in only her underwear as his eyes grazed over her body. Her phone was on the dresser in the bedroom, there was no way she was going to get to it.

She tried to remain calm and not make any sudden movements as he took a step towards her, Chris would be home soon, "what are you doing here James?" She reached down and turned off the water, not taking her eyes off him. She grabbed a towel from the rack to cover herself as he watched her, still not saying anything. "Do you want to go to the living room to talk James?" She prayed silently in her head that she would be able to keep him calm if she was.

He laughed, "now why we go to the living room when your bedroom is right there?" Before she could react he grabbed the towel, ripping it away from her and throwing it on the ground before grabbing her arm. She grabbed the glass soap dispenser next to the sink, hitting him across the head, making him yell out and release her as she ran to her phone. She just managed to dial 911 before dropping her phone as he grabbed her arm and threw her on the ground. He straddled her on the floor, pinning her arms under his legs, "now why would you go and do something like that love?"

She closed her eyes, turning her head away from him as blood dripped from his head onto her, "Chris is on his way home any minute."

She heard him laugh as he grabbed her face tightly in his hand, "what's he going to do? He can't protect you." He grabbed her shield necklace, ripping it off her neck and throwing it on the ground. "Now. Look at me." She still didn't open her eyes as she felt the searing pain as the back of his hand made contact with her cheek, making her yell out. She looked up at him as she heard him undoing his pants. She tried to get out of his gripped as he moved down, making her separate her legs as he positioned himself between them.

"Get off me!" She screamed, trying to get out of his grip as he hit her across the face again. He pinned her arms above her head with one hand as he easily slid her panties to the side with his other.

Chris came home to yelling. He ran into the bedroom to find James on top of Ellie. He didn't have time to think as he blacked out, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him off her. He threw James on the floor, as his fists continuing to make contact with his face over and over again.

Ellie checked her phone to make sure her 911 call went through as she grabbed Chris' arm. "Chris! Stop!" James was already unconscious and basically unrecognizable as Chris continued hitting him. "Chris!"

Chris didn't even know how long he had been hitting him until he heard Ellie's voice calling to him. He stopped, looking up at Ellie who was crying. He grabbed the blanket from the bed, wrapping it around her, picking her up in his arms as he heard the sirens, "I'm sorry." He carried her to the living room, setting her on the couch before guiding the police and paramedics to their room. He went back to Ellie who crawled into his lap as the police tried to piece together what happened.

~~1 Month Later~~

"And Ellie, how are you feeling?"

She and Chris decided to do counseling together this time after what happened with James. She was never going to believe that she was worth all the trouble she kept bringing to him. But he always insisted that she would always be worth it to him.

She leaned forward as she felt Chris's hand on her back, "fine mostly I guess. Still a little apprehensive about being home at night alone. Luckily that doesn't happen much though." James wasn't getting out again, whenever he got out of the hospital. She looked back at Chris and then back at her therapist, about to say something, but changed her mind.

Chris shook his head, "I know what you're thinking. I don't know how many times over the years I have to tell you how much you mean to me. And how much I think you're worth everything."

Ellie smiled, resting her head on his shoulder as he continued, "I'm just glad he's officially out of our lives for good and we don't have to worry about him anymore."

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