Chapter 29

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After not sleeping well all night, Ellie woke up before everyone else the next morning. She went to Maddy's room to find Sebastian asleep on her bed. Ellie smiled, kneeling down next to him. She  ran her fingers along his cheek, trying to wake him up. He finally opened his eyes into hers, smiling and she brought her finger to her mouth, "shh." She motioned for him to follow her. She waited outside Maddy's room, closing the door quietly as Sebastian exited. "Make breakfast for everyone with me?" He nodded and followed her to the kitchen in silence.

"Ellie, I'm sorry about last night. I was drunk, I never should have kissed you."

She sighed, grabbing his hand to look at him, "you can't do that to me Sebastian. I already put Chris through so much when we first got together."

"I know! I'm sorry." He groaned, resting his head on hers, "tell me it was awful and that you didn't feel anything."

She scoffed, shaking her head, "please. Don't do that Sebastian."

She looked up to see tears forming in his eyes, "then lie to me, please. I beg you."

Ellie hesitated, she didn't want to lie to him. She had felt something when he kissed her, and she wanted him to do it again. She sighed, putting her hands on his cheeks to look at him, "I didn't feel anything Sebastian. I'm sorry."

Sebastian nodded, "right." He pulled away as he heard someone coming. Ellie went to the fridge to pull out stuff for breakfast as she watched Sebastian greet his girlfriend.

"You never came to bed."

Sebastian laughed, "oh. Maddy woke up in the middle of the night, I fell asleep with her."

"Aww." Ale kissed him on the cheek before going to the sunroom to watch tv.

Ellie felt Sebastian run his hand along her back as he brushed past her to make coffee. She whispered, "Seb. I can't. Please don't."

He leaned down to her ear, grabbing her hand discreetly, "you lied."

She didn't look at him as she pulled her hand away, making breakfast, "you told me to."

He cleared his throat, moving away from her when they heard the kids running down the hall with Chris following close behind.

The kids ran to Sebastian as Chris wrapped his arms around Ellie from behind, "good morning love." She moaned softly as he leaned down and kissed her neck.


After breakfast, Chris offered to do the dishes as Ellie, Sebastian and Ale took the kids outside. Sebastian sat next to Ellie, not looking at her, "I won't be back for a while. You know why."

She looked at him as he looked down at the ground, "yeah. That's probably for the best Sebastian. I'm sorry."

He looked at her in the eyes, "are you going to tell Chris?"

Ellie shook her head, "I don't know yet."

"You lied though, didn't you." 

She looked away from him, her heart aching too much to keep the eye contact, "I did. I'm sorry."

He grabbed her hand without looking at her, "no. It's okay. I'm the one that should be sorry. I love you Ellie." She watched him get up and walk away from her before she could say anything, wiping a stray tear from her eye as she did.


After Sebastian and Ale left Chris sat next to Ellie outside, watching the kids play, "what's with Sebastian? He was acting weird."

Ellie looked at him, trying to decide if she should tell him that Sebastian kissed her. And that she let him, more so, she kissed him back. She wasn't sure exactly how she felt about it though. "I'm not sure. He wouldn't talk to me about it."

Chris sighed, "okay." He sat behind her on the lounge chair, pulling her body to his, making her rest her head on his shoulder. "You looking forward to going back to work with Tara? Have you picked out a nanny yet?"

Ellie groaned. "I am looking forward to going back to work. But I don't know about the nanny thing yet."

"Why not?"

Ellie laughed, "come on, it's the plot to literally every movie and show ever. Wife hires a hot nanny, and the husband eventually ends up sleeping with her."

"Oh come on. You know that isn't me." He nudged her to turn around and straddle him on the chair, facing him, "you're all I'll ever want love."

"I know." She didn't look at him as she rested her head on his shoulder as he held her. "I'll be seeing some this week." She pulled back to look at him, "when do you leave for filming?"

Chris sighed, "in a few days. It makes it so much worse now that we have kids. I hate leaving." He gently brushed hair from her face, "it was hard enough having to leave you before."

"I know Chris. Kiss me." He smirked as he pulled her lips to his, moaning at the taste of coffee still on her tongue. She pulled away, out of breath, "okay. We can finish that later."

Chris laughed, bringing his mouth to her ear, "I hope so." He pulled away still smiling, "you have to go to New York soon too right?"

"Yeah. Next week. I have clients wanting to move to Boston. I'm meeting them to go over what they're looking for exactly."

"Are you gonna visit Sebastian while you're there?"

She looked at him, her heart racing. "I don't really know. Why?"

He shook his head with a shrug, "I was just asking. Maybe you'll be able to break through to him, find out what's bothering him."

"Oh. Yeah. I don't know yet."


She looked up at him as he cupped her cheek, locking eyes with her, "yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Of course. Just tired is all. Yesterday was kind of draining. And I didn't sleep well." She smiled as he watched her. She knew he didn't fully believe her, but he didn't push her.

"Okay. Want to go lay down?"

"I think I will, yeah. I love you Chris." She kissed him softly on the lips, leaving before he could look at her or say anything else. She closed the door to her bedroom, laying down staring at the ceiling when she heard her phone vibrate. She checked it to see a text from Sebastian.

I'm an awful person. I'm so sorry.
Please don't tell Chris. Can we just forget it ever happened?

Ellie sighed before responding.

I'm the married one. I'm the one that has to lie.
I'm the one that kissed another man and then lied about it not meaning anything.
I've never lied to Chris before, not once Sebastian.

Ugh. No. You never would have kissed me if I didn't initiate it.
It's not just me though? You felt something too?

I hate myself for admitting it, but I did.

I'm so sorry Ellie. It's all my fault.
Can we just forget about it? Pretend it never happened?

We can try. We have to.

Okay. I love you Ellie.

You can't say that anymore.
It means something different now.

I know. I'm sorry.

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