Chapter 15

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"Are you ready, love?" Chris comforts her by rubbing her back, knowing she was nervous.

Ellie looks up at him as she sits down to record her video for her fundraiser in the kitchen. "Okay, here we go." Chris moves to stand just out of frame.

"My name is Elizabeth Spencer and I just started a new non-profit called Spencer's Shield. I believe in protecting our most vulnerable and that's I'm hosting a fundraiser to raise money for domestic abuse and women's shelters here in Boston." She starts to mindlessly play with her shield pendant. "It is an important cause for me. I was lucky enough to have people around me that helped me out of my situation and that continued to help me through the aftermath." She looks at Chris offscreen. "I had someone that showed me only love, and never gave up on me. The fundraiser will be a raffle, so no matter how much money you can afford to donate your name will be thrown in for an equal chance at the grand prize. Which is.."

She motions for Chris to sit next to her and he take over. "Hi, I'm Chris Evans, you may know me as Captain America. Whoever's name is drawn for the grand prize will be flown out here to Boston and put in a hotel for the night and you will get to spend all day with me. You can ask me whatever you like, and I can plan activities." He grabs her hand, "this is a great cause, and I'm happy to be apart of it, and I'm looking forward to meeting you."

"Thank you everyone. The fundraiser will run through June 12 at midnight, and I will announce the winner here on the 13th."

"Will you share it on your social medias Chris?" She nudges him on the bench next to her after she shuts off her phone.

"Of course I will. People are going to assume we are dating now."

Ellie laughs, "good. Maybe I want people to know that you are taken." She stands up and straddles him on the bench, "you're mine now." She kisses him passionately, making him know she wanted him now. He quickly undoes his pants and pulls out his cock. He pushes her underwear under her dress to the side, entering her quickly. She moans as he grabs her hips, guiding her movements.

He kisses her neck, panting in her ear, "you enjoy marking your territory don't you?"

She laughs, claiming his lips as her own. Their moment together is quick, but satisfying. "I do enjoy it Chris. I love you." She peppers him with kisses once more before standing up.


Chris shares her fundraiser on his social medias, and he even gets Scott and some of his famous friends to do the same. He gets some of his Marvel costars to donate some signed Marvel toys and collectibles. The morning of the 13th, they announced the winner of the raffle; a girl named Katie Ryan.

"Chris, I can't believe we raised so much money. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do this without you." They sit in the sunroom off the kitchen, Ellie in his lap.

"I'm happy to help. And I'm happy for you to have something that means so much to you. When are we going to do the prize?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe the beginning of next month?" She stands up, pulling him up with her, "now come on. I need you to get out so I can set up for your birthday."

Chris laughs, "are you kicking me out of my own house?"

She wraps her arms around his neck, "well I thought it was my house too now?"

"It very much is." He pulls away from her and starts to walk away. "I want to give you something."

She follows him to their bedroom, "Chris, it's your birthday, not mine. You don't have to give me anything."

He grabs something from his drawer, putting it in his pocket. He guides her to sit down on the bed. "I have to give you this. Close your eyes and hold out your hand." Ellie sighs but does as he asks and closes her eyes. She feels him place something small in her hand as she reaches it out to him. "Okay, open your eyes."

She opens her eyes to find an opened ring box in her hand. Inside rested a gold diamond ring with diamond encrusted gold leaves on either side. She looks from the ring to Chris who was down on one knee. "Chris, this is beautiful."

He grabs the box from her hand and takes out the ring. "It was my grandmother's ring. My mom gave it to me a long time ago to give to someone when it was the right time." He places the ring on her finger as a tear rolls down his face. "I love you. I want to be with you. I can't imagine my life without you. Marry me?"

She kneels down in front of him, crying as well. She wraps her arms around his neck, "of course I will. I love you so much too." She nuzzles her head into the nook of his shoulder. She pulls back a bit to face him, "today is your birthday. The focus should be on you." She wipes a tear from his face as he laughs.

"I know. I'm happiest when I'm with you though. I thought that maybe we could get married here on Christmas Eve. Just family. Your sister and her family. Tara, and my family. That's it. It'll be a surprise wedding, we won't tell them. What do you think?"

Ellie laughs, "I think that's a great idea Chris." She stands up, pulling him up with her, "now you really have to go before I cry more." They make it to the front door as there is a knock on the door. They open it to find Emily and Samantha in front of them. "Emily!" Ellie wraps her sister in a hug. "I'm glad you're here." She turns to her niece, "hey Sam. Chris's nephews and niece should be here soon, so you'll have kids to play with."

Chris kisses her, "I love you. I'll see you later." He turns to Emily, kissing her on the cheek, "I'm glad you guys are here. I've been kicked out though." He winks at Ellie, "I'll see you guys soon."

Ellie grabs her sisters hand and drags her to the kitchen, showing her the ring.

Emily squeals, "really??"

Ellie just nods her head, "happened right before you got here."

Emily wraps her sister in another hug, "I'm so happy for you."

"I even stopped taking my birth control. We're officially trying to have a baby."

"Oh my god Ellie. I honestly wasn't sure if you would want to have more kids or not. I'm so glad you decided to try again."

"Thanks Emily. I'm really happy."

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