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****7 Years Later****

"Ugh!" Chris pulled the blanket up and over his head to block out the light of the sun as Ellie laughed, standing at the end of the bed. She leaned forward, tickling the bottom of his feet that now stuck out the bottom as he kicked and laughed. He finally jolted up, lunging forward to grab her waist, pulling her onto the bed beside him. "Look here woman. It is my birthday and if I want to sleep in, then I will sleep in."

Ellie giggled as Chris gripped her sides, tickling her back as he pinned her underneath him to the bed. "Come on old man, it's time to get up. Your daughter and son have made you breakfast and your family will be here soon."

He groaned, rolling onto his back, "I'm not old."

She laughed, "you're 50 today honey, of course you are."

He turned to face her, propping his head up on his hand, "you realize you're only a few years behind me."

She gasped, feigning offense, "you never talk about a woman's age Christopher!"

He laughed, rolling on top of her, pinning her to the bed beneath him once more. "I love you Elizabeth Evans."

She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck, "and I love you. So, it's been a long decade. How do you feel? Accomplish everything you want?"

Chris nodded, carding his fingers through her hair as she smiled, "yes. I have a woman I love, beautiful kids. There's nothing more I could ask for Ellie. You guys mean everything to me and we've been through so much to get here, together."

She nodded, sniffling as he chuckled, "don't make me cry in bed."

He grinned, "oh, I'll make you cry. Make you scream my name." He leaned down, pulling the skirt of her dress up as he kissed her mound over her panties.


He laughed, pulling her panties to the side, running his tongue along her slit, jumping when they heard a knock on their bedroom door. "For fuck's sake. I'm trying to eat breakfast."

Ellie giggled, pushing him off her, "shut up!" She opened the door to find Scott with a disapproving look on his face, "don't say it. We'll be out in a minute. As soon as Chris gets dressed."

Scott rolls his eyes, "fucking teenagers."

She laughed, slamming the door, squealing as Chris gripped her waist, pulling her lips to his urgently. She groaned, pushing him away from her, "get dressed!"

He sighed but nodded, "yeah, fine."

She shook her head, slipping out of the room when he went into the closet. She found Madison and Robert in the kitchen talking with Sebastian, Jennifer and their toddler daughter, Allison. After what happened with James, Sebastian was around all the time and he apparently ended up hitting it off with their nanny, Jennifer. Now she lives in New York with him and they're married, but come down all the time. "Seb." Ellie leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek before fawning over Allison. She sat at the table as Scott entered, sitting beside her and Madison handed her a plate of eggs and toast. "Thank you honey."

Madison grinned, turning to jump into Chris's arms as he entered the kitchen, "happy birthday daddy!"

Chris smiled, greeting her and Robert, "thanks guys." He took a seat beside Sebastian, accepting Allison from Jennifer. "Hello gorgeous." She had long dark curly hair and Sebastian's steel blue eyes. Allison giggled, looking at Chris making faces at her.

Ellie jumped slightly, feeling someone lean down from behind her, kissing her cheek. She heard Emily and Samantha laugh, moving into her line of sight. "Em. Sammy. How are you guys?"

Samantha grinned, "I actually had some news!"

Ellie glanced at Chris and back at Samantha, who handed her a paper. Ellie squealed, leaping to her feet. "Sammy!"

She wrapped her niece in a hug as Emily laughed, "she got into Harvard. She's very excited."

Chris grinned, "hey, that's great! We're proud of you." He stood up with Allison still in his arms, hugging her with one arm.

Once everyone settled in seats, Ellie glanced around at her family. It had expanded quite a bit over the last 12 years. She grew up mostly feeling lonely with only Emily around. Now she had more family than she ever dreamed. She wiped away a stray tear, looking up to see Chris watching her. She shook her head and smiled as he winked at her. She chuckled slightly before eating her breakfast.

~~Hope you enjoyed Chris and Ellie~~

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