Chapter 34

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After spending almost a week in Paris, Ellie finally returned home. They had been home for a few days when she heard a knock on the door, she almost squealed when she opened the door to find her sister Emily. "What are you doing here?" She looked behind her, "where is my niece?"

Emily shook her head, "with her father. I wanted to come see you. I missed you."

Ellie wrapped her sister in a hug, quickly ushering her in the house. "I was about to head to work. I didn't know you were coming. I'm sorry." Emily shook her head, "no worries. I'll hang out with my niece and nephew. And Chris told me you have a nanny now?"

"Oh. I see." Ellie nodded, placing her hands on her hips. "Chris called you to check on me. What did he tell you?"

She laughed at the guilty look on Emily's face, "everything."

Ellie groaned, "you talk to him more than you talk to me don't you?"

Emily laughed, "I do. Yeah. He actually calls me, unlike someone."

Ellie rolled her eyes, leading Emily to the kitchen where the kids were having breakfast. They were both excited to see her as they ran to her for hugs. Emily stood up, offering her hand to Jennifer as Ellie introduced them, "Jennifer this is my sister Emily. I didn't know she was coming. You can take the day if you want."

"Sure. Thanks."

Ellie turned back to her sister, "we'll talk later." She kissed Emily on the cheek, shaking her head as she left the house.


After Ellie met Tara for lunch, she stopped at a coffee shop. She dropped her card as she saw a man pick it up for her. She turned to say thank you but felt her entire body tense as she came face to face with him for the first time in more than 6 years, "what are you doing here? How are you out?"

James took a step towards her, "good behavior, love." He went to grab her hand but she pulled it away from him, "I see you're married again."

She was aware of the fact that they were holding up the line so she left the line and the coffee shop quickly as she felt him follow her, "why can't you leave me alone?! I'm happy. What we had was a long time ago."

Every time he tried taking a step towards her she moved away from him, "because you were mine first. And you always will be Elizabeth. I love you."

Ellie shook her head, scoffing, backing away from him, "you don't know what love is. And I never loved you."

James rolled his eyes, "and this wanker, Chris? He loves you?"

"More than anyone ever has or ever could. Now please, leave me alone." She turned to walk away but he grabbed her arm hard, making her flinch and stop.

"You're so rude now love."

Ellie sighed, feeling the anger and fear filling her, breaking out of his grip as she faced him, "I'm not your love."

He took a step back, "fine. I'm sure I'll see you again soon." She watched him walk away from her as she tried to maintain her composure, she never knew who was watching anymore.


Ellie barely made it back home before collapsing on the floor, leaning against the door as the fear and anger came to fruition in the form of tears. She started crying, not knowing when or if she would ever stop. Emily came into the entryway to find her crying, "hey. What's wrong? I didn't think you'd be back already." Emily could feel the fear radiating off of her as she knelt on the floor next to her, holding her sister as she cried. "Ellie. You're scaring me, what's happened? Should I call Chris?"

"No! Please don't call Chris. He'll be home in a few weeks. I don't want to worry him." She pulled away from her sister, standing up and going to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She took a few deep breaths, quickly composing herself as she dried her tears and fixed her makeup. She put her coat and shoes away before finding Emily standing outside her bedroom, "not now Emily. Later."

She went to walk away but Emily grabbed her arm, making her flinch. Emily grabbed her sleeve, seeing the bruise from James, "I've only ever seen you this scared once before." She motioned to her arm, "tell me that isn't from who I think that is."

Ellie pulled her arm away, "please Emily. Not now. I'm begging you."

"Fine. I'm calling Chris." She pulled out her phone but Ellie snatched it from her hands

"No! You'll only upset him and make him come home early. And then he'll have to go back. Better to let him finish and come home in a few weeks."

Emily crossed her arms, "then speak. Quickly."

Ellie groaned, "I went to get coffee and he was in line behind me. Apparently out on good behavior." She rolled her eyes as she continued, "he's still just as possessive as he was before."

Emily put her hands on her sister's shoulders, "you made sure he didn't follow you right?"

"Yes. Of course I did."

Emily nodded, wrapping her sister in a hug, "can I call Scott at least? There should be a man in the house."

Ellie pulled away, "no. He'll tell Chris."

Emily sighed, "you know who wouldn't tell Chris and could be here by tonight."

"Emily. No! Chris and I just got back to being okay. I can't call him." She shook her head as she sat on the couch. Emily was about to say something but Ellie's phone rang, "it's Chris."

Ellie looked at Emily, "don't say anything." Ellie answered the FaceTime call, smiling, "Chris. Hey babe."

'Hey. You're not mad at me?'

Ellie hesitated as her heart began to race, beating erratically in her chest, "oh. For calling Emily? No. It's fine. It's nice to see her."

'Ellie, what's the matter?'

She smiled, "what do you mean?"

Chris groaned, 'come on. When are you going to learn I know you better than you think I do. You're scared, why are you scared?'

Emily sat on the couch next to Ellie, "tell him Ellie, or I will."

'Tell me what Ellie? Not Sebastian.'

Ellie shook her head, "no. Of course not." She sighed, hesitating, "it's James. He's out. And I ran into him today." She shook her head, "or he followed me to a coffee shop, I'm not really sure."

She heard Chris hit something as she watched the anger in his face, 'I'm coming home.'

"No! You can't. You'll be home soon enough. I'll be fine."

Chris shook his head, 'I don't like you and the kids being home in the house alone.'

Emily leaned forward, "want me to call Scott?"

'He's not in Boston. Fuck! Look. I have to go. I will call you back as soon as I can. Ellie?'


'I love you. Be careful, and be more aware of your surroundings.'

"I love you too."

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