Chapter 28

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~ 5 years later ~

"Ellie, honey. Calm down. Stop running around. Everything is perfect, and the party will be perfect." Chris grabbed her hand to make her stop moving. She had been running around non-stop the last few days preparing a third birthday party for their son Robbie. They decided to name him after Sebastian, giving Robbie his middle name; Robert Sebastian Evans. They ended up having the same birthday so Chris and Ellie just took it as a sign to give him Sebastian's name.

Before she could respond to Chris, there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it Chris. Go check on the kids in the bounce house." Chris sighed, kissing her on the cheek before doing as she requested. Ellie opened the door to find Ale, Sebastian's girlfriend, but no Sebastian. Ellie hugged Ale, "where's Seb?"

Ale laughed, "oh. He's coming." She pointed to a car and Sebastian carrying presents. He had taken the uncle thing a little too serious, bringing both kids presents every time he visited.

Ellie shook her head, "I'll help him. Go inside. Most everyone is out back." She made her way to Sebastian, grabbing bags from him. She helped him carry them inside the house to set with the other presents and looked at him, "now. Where's my hug?"

Sebastian laughed, wrapping her in a hug, "doll, how are you?"

"I'm good. I've missed you. Happy Birthday Sebastian." She pulled back, kissing him on the cheek before grabbing his hand. She led him to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of whisky and handing it to him. "This is for you." She put her hand up before he could say anything as she pulled something out of the fridge. "And I made tiramisu for you. It's extra boozy, so it's only for the adults."

Sebastian smiled, "oh my god. Thank you so much."

Ellie winked at him as she grabbed two forks, handing him one. "So, you guys staying here tonight?"

He shrugged, "yeah, if that's still okay. Yeah." He pointed to the tiramisu, "so good."

Before Ellie could say anything else they heard the running of Maddy trying to find them. Her face lit up when Sebastian turned around, bending down as she leapt into his arms, "uncle Sebastian!"

"How's my favorite girl?" He picked her up, spinning her around, noticing how much she looked like Ellie with Chris's eyes.

Maddy smiled excitedly, "did you bring me a present?"

Sebastian looked at Ellie and then back at her, laughing, "of course I did. But today is about Robbie so I'll give it to you later."

He winked at her as she sighed and rolled her eyes, "fine."

Sebastian and Ellie laughed as they watched Maddy run back outside. Ellie watched Sebastian for a moment as he ate a few more bites of the tiramisu, "is there something wrong?" There was something different in his eyes. She had started to notice it the past couple of times he came to visit. She crossed the kitchen to stand beside him, "are you and Ale okay?"

Sebastian shook his head with a shrug but avoided her gaze, "yeah. Of course. We're fine."

"Then what is it?" She brought her hand up to his cheek as he leaned into it, locking eyes with her, "you can talk to me, you know."

"Yeah. I know." Sebastian grabbed her hand from his face, holding it for a minute, "maybe later. I got Maddy some more stuff for her doll house, I'm gonna go set it up for her in her room for later."

Ellie watched him rush away from her, leaving her alone in the kitchen. She went outside to find Chris jumping in the bounce house with the kids. She laughed and waited for him to come out to her, "you're a giant child."

Chris laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist, "you say that as if you don't love it."

"Of course I do." She put her hands on his neck, watching him, "oh no. Don't say it."

Chris smirked, "say what?"

She groaned, "you want another one and I'm not sure that I do."

He laughed, pulling her into a kiss, making them forget for a minute that they had guests as she moaned softly.

"Ugh. Get a room." They pulled away laughing to see the fake disgust on Scott's face.

Ale came up to them, "where is Sebastian?"

Ellie pointed to the house, "oh, he's in Maddy's room setting up new stuff for her doll house."

Ale laughed and went to find him as Ellie turned back to Chris as he laughs, "he spoils her."

Ellie laughed, "you should see the amount of presents he brought for Robbie." She leans up to his ear so only he could hear, "you think anyone would notice if we snuck off for a few minutes?"

Chris moved closer to her, "why, do you want to make another baby with me?" He laughed at the annoyed look on her face, "I'm happy having more. And I'm happy keeping with what we have already. Whatever you want is fine with me. Just making sure you know I'd be okay if you did decide that you want more."

"I know you want more. I'm just not sure I do. I'm sorry Chris." She sighed, resting her hands on his chest, looking up at him.

He shook his head, running his fingers through her hair, "don't be sorry love. I'm perfectly happy with the family we already have."


Ellie couldn't sleep after the party. She slipped quietly out of Chris's arms and closed the bedroom door. She went to the kitchen for water to find Sebastian sitting in the sun room watching tv. "Seb, what are you doing up? Couldn't sleep?"

"No." He looked up at her, patting next to him on the couch. "Sit doll."

She sat next to him, noticing he had opened the whisky she had given him earlier. She looked at him as he watched tv, "Sebastian, what's the matter?"

Sebastian sighed, looking down, "I really shouldn't. Just sit here with me."

"Okay. You can talk to me if you want." She rested her head on his shoulder as he grabbed her hand.

"I know. I can't though. Just shh." He grabbed the blanket and put it over them as they sat in silence.

After a few minutes she sighed, looking up at him, unable to keep pretending that something wasn't wrong, "Sebastian, what is it?"

Sebastian let go of her hand, groaning, "this." He cupped her cheek in his hand urgently pressing his lips to hers, making her moan. He pulled her down onto the couch underneath him as she wrapped her arms around him. He ran his hand up her thigh to her shirt before she pushed him off of her, standing up.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?! Why did you kiss me?!"

He stood close to her, stroking her cheek, "why did you let me? It wasn't just me."

"Sebastian, I.." She shook her head as he pulled her back to him, making her moan again as he lifted her up, setting her on the kitchen counter. They were interrupted by Maddy yelling for her.

Sebastian pulled away, both of them out of breath, "I'll get her." He rested his head on hers, "don't worry. We can pretend like this never happened."

Ellie watched him walk away before she could say anything. She slipped back into bed next to Chris, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Sebastian. Was he right? Had she wanted him to kiss her? She had never thought about it before tonight. Now she knew why he had been acting weird the last few times he had been around. She had no idea he had feelings for her. She groaned, rolling over, feeling Chris wrap his arms around her in his sleep.

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