Chapter 22

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"Chris honey, it's snowing outside!" Ellie stood in their bedroom changing as their family gathered for what they thought was celebrating Christmas Eve.

Chris zipped up her red dress she picked out to get married in as he tried to calm her. "That'll just make it more romantic. I'm gonna go get Emily and Scott. I'll be right back."

She grabbed his hand as he tried to walk away, pulling him back to her, "Chris. I love you."

He stroked her cheek gently with the back of his fingers, "I love you. I'm gonna save my kisses for when they say you're my wife." He brought his lips close to hers, teasing her as he brushed them against hers, making her groan when he pulled away. She watched him leave, returning with Emily and Scott a few minutes later and closing the door behind them.

"Ellie, what is going on?" Emily looked at her sister, "you look so beautiful."

Chris stood by her side holding her hand as Ellie responded to her sister, "I hope so, we're getting married today." She shushed as Emily squealed. "We wanted to surprise everyone. Can you guys get everyone outside? There's chairs set up already." She looked at Chris and then back at their siblings, "and we want you guys to stand up with us." Scott and Emily looked at each other and back at them as they all gathered into a group hug, "okay, you guys are squishing the baby." They all laughed as Ellie pushed them off of her. "You guys go, and I'll be out in a minute."

Chris looked back at her one more time before following Scott and Emily out of the bedroom. She waited a few minutes until she heard music start to play outside. She grabbed Chris's ring from her drawer, placing it on her thumb and walked to the door that led outside. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

They had set up white chairs all pointing to a white arched trellis covered in red roses. There was a red carpet they laid in between the chair to represent the aisle for her to walk down that was now starting to be covered in a light dusting of snow. As she opened the door outside everyone stood up to look at her. She grabbed a bouquet of red roses from the table just inside the door and found Chris's eyes as she walked slowly towards him. As she reached him, she handed her bouquet to her sister as she saw tears start to well in Chris's eyes. She whispered softly to him as she placed both her hands in his, "stop or you're going to make me cry." He nodded and smiled, sniffling slightly as he kept his eyes locked on hers.

As they got to the vows, Ellie went first:

"Chris, I can't imagine not having you in my life. You saved me in every way possible, ruining me for all other men in the process. I'm so thankful to have you as a partner, as a lover, and" she hesitated for a moment to look at everyone, "as a father to our daughter." She paused for a moment letting the shock to the crowd settle in. They hadn't told anyone they were having a daughter yet. "I can't imagine a better father to a little girl. And even though you've ruined me for all other men, you'll only ruin her for all the men unworthy of her. Because I can't think of a better example of a man that I would want with a daughter of mine than a man like you. I don't know anyone with as big a heart. You're so kind and smart and compassionate. And I'm thankful everyday that I get to wake up next to you. And I am looking forward to waking up as Elizabeth Evans tomorrow, and everyday after that. I love you so much." She barely finished before tears started to fall down her cheeks as she placed his ring on his finger.

Chris brought his thumbs to her cheeks, gently wiping away the tears, "if you do that, I will too." Chris grabbed her ring from his pocket, placing it delicately on her finger as he grabbed both her hands in his again. "I remember being annoyed when Tara told me she had someone she wanted me to meet. But I knew there was something here the moment I stepped out here and saw you standing in this very spot on New Year's Eve. I was so disappointed when you left the party before I got to kiss you. We've been through so much together, and I can't imagine going through it with anyone else but you. I promise to make sure you feel loved everyday. And respected, and wanted. Everyday. And I promise to set the example for how our daughter should be treated, and that she never settle for less. You still make my heart race, everyday." He gently grabbed her shield pendant around her neck that she never took off, "and I promise to always be your shield against the world."

It was Ellie this time that brought her hand to Chris' cheek to wipe away a tear as the officiant continued. She waited, impatiently biting her lip, for the officiant to say they could kiss. She watched Chris watch her lips knowing he was thinking the same thing as he placed his hand gently at the nape of her neck. It felt like forever to her as he leaned his face down towards hers. The whole world came to a standstill as his lips found hers, kissing her, his tongue gently teasing hers, taking her breath away. She forgot they were surrounded by family until he pulled away and her world starting spinning again and she heard the cheers and clapping as they turned to face everyone.


Chris and Ellie sat with Chris's hand resting on her stomach as he felt his daughter roll around while Ellie ate ice cream. His mom approached them, sitting next to them as people started to leave. "Do you guys have a name?"

Ellie looked from Chris to Lisa with a smile on her face, "I was thinking Madeline Grace." She looked back at Chris, "what do you think?"

"Maddy Evans?" He smiled that sideways grin that always made her heart jump, "it's perfect."

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