Chapter - 1

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Reagan POV

"bang bang" 'wake up prince. It's time for your classes" calls my maid politely from my door outside. They are not allowed to wake me up personally or else they will have my wrath in the morning. With a heavy sigh I woke up from my bed to face another boring day in my life. Yes, I'm the Lycan prince and what will be boring you may ask but it is boring until you are not found of your mate.

I'm Reagan the Lycan Prince and next in throne to be the King of Lycan, even to all super naturals. We are the pure and rare species and lives way far from the human's imagination. But here I'm visiting every city in this world in search of my mate. Some will found their mate as soon as they attain the age of 18 and some like me go for search of their mate. And I'm already in my 30's still couldn't found her.

Sometimes I wonder whether she is born or not. Rey slaps my head imaginarily "she is out there and you didn't searched properly"

"stop this Rey. Don't start your lecture in the morning itself"

"ha!! whatever"

And he cuts the mind link. He became so sensitive whenever the talk about our mate comes. I don't know what is there about them. After making my morning routine work I came down from my room for the breakfast and got ready for my college. Yeah college. To live among the humans we need to occupy in some of their regular things. Even in my 65 year I still look like 20 because of our natural slow aging.

I've checked my bag for the things and got my keys. Started my latest Chevrolet Corvette white car from my garage and accelerated to the college. There I found my regular boring yet funny friend Nigel in his regular spot waiting for my arrival. Nigel is one of the trust worthy friend of mine and who knows about my lycan world.

"hey nigi"

"seriously nigi"

"Hahaha... just for fun"

"ok what are you doing after class"

"as usual going home and sleeping peacefully"

"then how about we go to the bar near the college"

"No dude. I'm not used to the human crowd around me. What if I go wild in between?"

"don't worry I'll be there"

"yeah you were there last time when I almost lost my control and let my rey out to kill the baster who poured his drinks on me."

"chill dude nothing will happened like that this time."

"even though its no. When I say No its NO only got it"

"oh come on mighty lycan prince Reagan. This bar is not like the other bar. There is limit for drinks and the lead singer in the bar is good. You will like him."

"What singer in the bar is a male??"

"yep. So come on at least to hear him. Ha. Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!"

"oh stop your pleases and puppy face. Ok I'll come but only to hear not to drink because drinking is injurious to health and I don't wanna spoil my health."

"yes.. ok ok lets meet after class..."

After classes we met at the college corridor and ready to go to the bar. I was driving and Nigel giving direction from his passenger seat. I protest to go in his car ( a habit of me not to drive in any others vehicle). We reached there in 20 minutes drive. It was not like the regular bar instead like a hotel. With bright lights and well designed interior. I liked the cream and orange mixture theme used in the bar and at the front was a small podium with a long mike and some musical instruments, with a focus light on the head mike. The bar was almost full, people were talking, laughing, drinking everywhere.

"We were on time. Seems like the show is about to start." said Nigel.

We occupied a table at the back because that was the only place left. We ordered some juice and waited for the show to begin. All of a sudden my lycan gone craze. I smelled some thing weird which I never smelt in my life before. A mixture of forest trees and smoke like smell. What is it? I couldn't get it. I started to search for the smell where it is coming from.

"Hey Reag what happened? What's the problem" with concern in his eyes Neigl asked me.

"I don't know man I felt weird and smell something"

And I started to walk following the smell. Without even noticing anyone, I rushed towards the smell. Suddenly the lights were gone dim and only the focus light on the podium were visible.
There comes a boy on the stage around the age of 20's with dark hair gelled and combed, chocolate iris, 5.6 feet height, fair color, casually dressed. He came forward to the head mike and introduced him self as

"Hi everyone, I'm your Brennus, I'm going to sing my favorite song today for all of you"
Said and started to sing the song.

All the while I was standing in the middle of the bar like maniac and his voice was like a lullaby to to me, literally he is singing but this was different.

Suddenly Rey said which made my heart skip a beat.


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