Chapter - 2

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Reagan POV

When I here him saying the word MATE again and again in my head, I was in a shock. How come a guy be my mate. I couldn't get it. That's impossible. In the history it never ever happened. EVER! Then how is this possible. It was suppose to be a girl. I couldn't accept it.

Rey was making a dance in my head as he found his mate but I was standing rooted in my place and watched the Brennus named guy singing.

He saw me with a weird look and pasted a smile on his lips all the while he sings. After singing he thanked the gather and left the podium and me watching his all movements with amusement and done nothing.

Till now I couldn't get it and don't know how to react. After some time Nigel slaps my head and asked me what happened to me. I said that he is my mate and he has the same look as mine. After some minutes, coming back from our shock, we tried to go to the back stage to meet Brennus but couldn't because of the rules they follow in the bar.

So we waited outside of the bar for him to come out but nothing happend. His band members came but not him. Even after his performance I couldn't smell him either, means he left. But how?

There is only one way for the bar I couldn't saw him coming in nor going out, then how did he go. Strange.

All the while, as time pass by I became more crazy because of him. After seeing my state Nigel accepted to stay with me tonight and we came back home, decided to go search for him tomorrow. But I couldn't be able to sleep. Not even a second. When ever I close my eyes his face, his looks, his voice comes in front of me and made me to awake. Not even Rey is helping me in this situation.

"Rey are you there? "


"REY!! Reply me. I need your help" after a while he replied.

"What do you want"

"Are you sure that he is our mate?"

"That is our mate. I'm 200 percent sure"

"How come a boy be our mate?"

"How come you are so sure that's a boy?"

"That is wa..... Wait what? Is that not a boy? Are you kidding me? From the top to bottom I saw and can smell him as a boy. Then how come he is not??"

"It seems that you didn't saw properly as usual."

With that he cut the mind link and gone back to his dreamland leaving me in a misery. Now his words are more confusing than before. Who is he exactly? With these thoughts in my mind I couldn't noticed the sun rise. I've done my regular routine work and gone down for breakfast. The maids got shocked once they saw me in the kitchen before they knock my door today.

That time Nigel also  joined me in the breakfast and after finishing we head out to find the mystery behind my mate. We reached the bar and asked for the band member's details. Fortunately they live just near to the bar. We came to know that they were brothers of four and all four of them are the instrument players in the band. 

All four of them looked a like but difference in height alone. But the thing is none of them know about Brennus's detail apart from his name. This makes no sense. How come they let a person to be a lead singer for past 4 years without knowing his details. Very Strange!! Who is that mystery guy any way, this is been more complicating. 

They said that he will come for practice on every Tuesday of the week and will perform on Saturday. Apart from that we couldn't got any information about him. So to reach that guy no other way we have to wait till Tuesday comes. But will I be able to survey till then. I'm already looking like a disaster in just one night. Still 2 more days, this is too much for me.

I never left my home for the past two days. Time surly runs quickly when we need them and stops all of the sudden when we want them to go so. The same case happened to me for the past two days, it was like two years for me. And finally its Tuesday morning. I got ready to meet my mate... Ah! no that guy.... 

I've reached the address which was given by that brother's. This is the place were they usually practice. So I reached there at 9 itself even the band members have not came yet. I waited for their arrival. Walking in the corridor here and there and all of a sudden I smelt something. The same smell which I felt on that day. The smell that I can't forget and made me to addict to it. 

I followed the way were the smell is coming from and it lead to the small room at the end of the corridor. There was a small hole in the wall and a guy came out of the wall. And that guy is non other then Brennus. Finally I saw him and my lycan gone crazy again. 

"Will you stop it and let me to concentrate?"

"I can't. Its my nature and its my mate. How can you expect me to stay came after I met my mate whom I waited for this long?"

"Ok I can understand but at least stop your dancing. I can't bear it"  I slapped my head inwardly. 

All this while Brennus stands there watching my reaction without blinking. After putting my lycan in mute I came forward to talk to him. I watched his eyes and saw a shade of different eye all of a sudden which I couldn't saw it on that day. It was like some other person is watching from the other side and who is that? I slowly yet carefully made my steps towards him as I don't want to loose him again. I want to know about him.

"Good Morning Prince Reagan" he greets me with melting voice.

"You know me?"

"Of course. How come I can't recognize  you Prince."

"Then why did you run away on that day?

"I  didn't run away. My work was over so I left. Both have difference Prince."

"Stop the smart talk and tell me who are you?"

"I think I told about me on that day itself"  he smirked

"Don't smirk on me. Tell me who you are and its an order!" I commanded in my authorized voice but my command didn't made any effect on him. 

"But I don't want to. And I'm late for my practice if you excuse me then I'll take my leave" with that he started to move from the place. Without thinking I dragged him with his hand and slammed him on the wall. 

"I WONT ALLOW YOU TO GO UNLESS YOU ANSWER ME!! TELL ME WHO YOU ARE NOW??" he struggled to release himself from my hand but he was not that strong compare to me. Suddenly his eyes turned into full dark without any white. Fully pure black, NO its DARK. After seeing his eyes I let go of him without my knowledge. His authorized power waves were radiating the whole area and I could feel that. 

He looked straight into my eyes and commanded yet in husky voice "Leave me and get out of this place!"

For a second I lost all my consciousness and felt like I was under his control. Without thinking anything I left the place and walked straight to my house. There Nigel was waiting for me and seeing my state he called my name repeatedly but I couldn't reply. Then he brought a bucket full of cold water and pored it on my head. With in a minute I came back to my normal self. 

"what happened man. I've been calling you for so long and you were out. Where did you go? What happened?"

"I dont know. I was just talking to him and suddenly..... SHE HYPNOTISED ME? HOW?"

"She? Who is that?"

"That 'She' is my mate. And I need to find out about her"

"But last time we saw was a boy"

"Yeah thats correct. Her soul is inside of that boy. I just found out when I saw his eyes changes from chocolate to gray."

"So your mate's soul is inside of that boy?"

"Yes. And she is a WITCH! A powerful one. Even to control me within a minute"

"OMG! How did you find that with in this short time?"

"Dude, you are talking to the lycan prince. But the thing is who is she? Why is her soul is inside of that boy? And that we need to find out"

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