Chapter - 7

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Oh My God! Still how much I wanna fight to get my mate. It's been two hours I am fighting this witch but she is not an easy going and neither am I. Reagan gave me full control and I am in my lycan form now. My  claw marks were all over her body and she is still not giving up. With her full strength she is attacking me with her magic spells. I can't take this any more but something is stopping me from killing her. I don't know the reason, may be her soul belongs to someone else to take. 

And finally I bit her neck broke her arm and throw away towards the window from the tower. Even in that state she could be able to land down with small damage but the damage I caused her was more than that. She even struggled to breath now. I gently pick my mate in my back and went out of the palace. Once I left the palace I could sense my mate around me. May be she could have guessed that I got her body. 

We are almost at the border were I saw Brangwen's Soul waiting for her body. Once I crossed the border, without any words her soul started to approach us and looked me with her warm eyes. That look that I have never seen before. Then she saw her body in my back. She came very close to me, kept her head on mine and thanked me. That moment was like I'm flying in the sky. Then I kept her body very carefully on the ground and shifted to my human form. 

Reagan's POV

Then she looked at me again and started to rest her soul in the body. With in a second her soul was into her body and her body was glowing which I've never seen anywhere before. I hear some foot steps behind me. Here they are to disturb our little movement. I turned around and got shocked. The lady whom I fought was standing in front of me and fully recovered. How come she recovered this soon and I almost forgot I got here with Nigel. OH OOHH! She pointed a wand in the head of Nigel.  

" Hand over her body now or else your friend's head will be blasted." She threatened me. 

" Leave him alone he doesn't done anything wrong. LET! HIM! GO!!!" I ordered in my authorized voice. As per my order she let him go, actually that was what I think but her eye goes some where else. Her face turned from anger to fear and released Nigel. I was confused and looked behind me and watched my mate with amused. She was awaken. Her soul is into her body completely and she was standing in front of me in her won body. OH MY GOD! Finally I can have my mate. Rey started the summersault in my head and dancing like maniac. 

But the situation says the opposite. Her face was in full serious. The happy look she had before was gone. Instead she had a look of betrayal and anger. She took small steps towards the lady. 

"Hi Miriam. How are you?  Looks like someone is not happy to see me alive."  Said Brangwen and laughed like a villain.

" I won't leave you this time. Your death is in my hand"

"HAHAHAHA! Then why don't you had it last time Miriam."

"STOP BRAN...." she stopped in between.

"What happened Miriam? Why did you stopped my name in between? Go on Complete it... Still don't have the guts to call my name ah?"

"ARGH!" with that shout Miriam swing her wand in the air and made her first move in the fight but Brangwen easily tucked it by moving her finger on it and started to laugh.

"That's it! HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's all you got ha! Even after these years I thought you will be more powerful but YOU. ARE. STILL. BELOW. ME. MIRIAM." Brangwen stressed the last part.

"STOP YOU FILTHY ANIMAL. YOU CAN'T TALK LIKE THAT TO ME!!" Miriam's Angry was in a peak and with another swing in the air she created a big fire ball and throw it towards Brangwen. She again easily tucked it and chuckled.

" All right enough of this child's play. Tell me where is my crown and I'll spare your life." 

"Who are you to spare my life you devil?"  with that she throw another fire ball but this time instead of tucking it Brangwen captured it and returned it towards Miriam. She done that just with her fingers and not with a wand. 

"That's amazing!"  I exclaimed in excitement. Seeing my mate fighting makes me more excited. But Brangwen doesn't reacted to my command. Her full concentration was in Miriam alone. 

"I'll ask you one more time. Where is my crown?" asked Brangwen. 

"Do you think I'll tell you that? NEVER!" 

" Oh poor you. Then I don't have a choice." with that Brangwen swing her hands in the air and along with her move Miriam was in the air struggling to breath.

"What are you doing Brangwen? She will die. Let her go." I said.

"And that is why I'm doing it. You stay out of it."

"The people whom you already killed was not enough ah? Let her go. We can ask her another way. Killing will not bring any solution." with that she stopped for a movement and looked at me. 

"I don't need your advice. And I didn't kill her not just to get my crown. You don't know any thing so STAY OUT OF IT!!!!" with that she turned and tightened her fist and that's it. Miriam was blasted. I can't believe it that she killed another one in front of me. 

"You stay out of my way and don't order me like you know me. I know what I'm doing and will kill more. If you want a peaceful prince life then go back to palace. You are in a wrong way." said Brangwen. 

" I can't leave you. How will I leave my mate? I've waited for you for so long and now you want me to go away from you. How will I suppose to do that when you are destined for me?"

"If that's your problem then we have a solution for that. I'll Reject You. Then you will go in your way right?"

"NO! You can't do that. How will do that even after what I've done to you. You... You... You even kissed me how can you..."

"Yes I can do that. I used you to get my body you dump prince. And I can do the evil things way far from your imagination. Cause I'm the evil witch!"

"She is lying" says Rey in my mind.

"She is hiding something, from that she wants to protect you. That's why she is lying" he said again.

"You are lying right" I asked her.

"Do I look like lying? Oh, you are so blind in the love...." she said.

"No I can't believe you. You are lying. You are hiding something. That's why you are lying. Just tell me the truth. I'll Understand." she sighed and look at me.

"So you don't believe me right. Then I don't have a choice. Here you go...


before she could complete the sentence some one shot her in her heart and with that she fallen on the ground lifeless... 


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