Chapter - 11

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Rey's POV

"This really is your home? I just can't believe it?" I said.

"Yes it is. It holds lots of memories for me." Brangwen said with a broken voice. As if her world was broken apart. "Will you mark me now?" she asked.

"Yes. I will. If that is your wish." with that I came closer to her. She sat jumped over a table near her. Without hesitation she adjusted her hair and showed her neck bone area where I am going to mark her with my fangs. I came very closer to her and inhaled her scent and pushed my fangs out. Before biting her neck and make my mark I kissed her. A deep passionate kiss which I longed for. She responded to me and lasted for a long. 

After a few minutes of joy I lowered to her neck and kissed her neck. "Are you sure about this? Because once I marked you then there is no going back from me. You will be mine forever." I asked her in case if she had a change of mind. 

" I think you are the one need to worry about it." she giggled. 

"OK then." with that I proceed to make my mark on her neck. Slowly I inserted my fangs in her neck. At first she grippe my arms in pain. But with in a minute she relaxed as I proceed further. 

As I go deeper in her neck, my sight got blurred. I blinked my eyes few times but my vision was not clearing. Strange!! What's happening?? Suddenly I feel like I was dragged to a new world. But still my vision was not clear. After blinking fewer times I got my vision clearly.

Wait a min this is not the house where Brangwen and I was a minute ago. Where is Brangwen? Where am I? I looked around and medicine smell hit my nostril. Eeww! I hate this smell.

"Hey Reagan are you there?"

"Yes I am. But where are we anyway?"

"I don't know. I don't have any idea. Seems to be a hospital to me"

"Ok then lets look around to get out of here shall we."

"Sure" with that I started moving to the rooms next to me. Strange! No one is here in the whole block. Where does everybody gone? I've keep on searching and suddenly I heard some baby crying. I've followed the source from where the crying is coming. Finally found the room. As I was about to open the door another baby crying sound came from the room and along with some man shouting sound.

I carefully opened the room and saw two baby cribs, a man who is crying holding the hands of the woman who is lying unconscious on the bed and a doctor along with another person. Wait a minute I've seen this men and women. They are the Late Witch King and Queen. Then the babies must be Brangwen and Brennus. Are they twins? But they doesn't seem so. 

I went closer to the crib and saw two beautiful baby girls. One with black hair and another with blond hair. Brennus doesn't have blond hair. He has brown. One is Brangwen and who is this other girl? And according to me her hair is in grey color but here its dark black. What is happening here? Suddenly moon light rays spread in side of the room. The King started to cry out louder. 

"I've told her to abort the baby at the beginning itself. Now look she left me all alone in this world." cries The King. At that time I thought about the world without Brangwen. Oh My God I can't even imagine that. Without here I will become a monster for sure.

I've looked back into the cribs "Thank You for coming into this world Brang.." I said. She smiled back to me and reached her hand on the air to touch me but her tinny hands can't reach me. 

"It all happened because of her. I'm not gonna leave her alive. She killed my love. I'm gonna kill her now." shouted the king and approached near the crib. 

"NO!" I shouted and covered the crib. But he couldn't hear me and nor can touch me. He just crossed me and took Brangwen from the crib. 

"I'm gonna tear you into pieces you little monster"

"NO! NO! NO!! LET HER GO KING!" I shouted and tried my best to push him. But no use.

"Relax Reagan. We are in her memory. Nothing is going to happen to her. She is alive with you out there. So just relax dump prince." Rey said. 

" What?? We are in her memory? Is that why I couldn't touch anything?"

"YES. Now shut your mouth and watch closely."

"Ok Ok. Now I get it."

"My King. Just calm down. You can't kill an innocent child just because the queen died. It's not her fault." said the person whom I don't know.

"You shut up Maria. Its all her fault I know that. She killed my Queen. She is evil. I'm going to kill her."  what Maria? That lady is Maria. Then I gave a closer look to that lady and Found myself surprised. She really is Maria in younger version. "You really are a dumb prince" says Rey.

"Just relax king. If you kill her now then what about your another child."

"What for her? She is my princess. She will grow with all my health and wealth."

"Oh my King! That is not possible. They have to grow together. If any one dies another one will also dies. That is the bond they are born with. Every yin has a yang. They are like Yin and Yang. A Good and Bad. You can't apart them or kill them. Or else the world will collapse."

"What are you saying Maria?"

"Yes My King. What I am saying is we can't kill any one of the baby now."

"Then when can I kill her?"

"You have to wait till they reach the age of 17. At the 17th birthday they will be matured and will get their own full power, at that time you can kill her My King."

"So I want to wait till that?"

"Yes my king." she said this line in a very seductive way. What the hell is she doing now? 

"Ok then I'll wait to get my revenge on her. Till that she will not be shown to the world. She must be grown out of the palace. Even out of the kingdom will be better."

"Yes my king I will make that for you." and hold a villain smile on her face. Oh poor Brangwen. I wish I could have found you before of this.

"Now I'm going to name my princess. Look at her she is so pure and innocent. How cute my baby girl is. I'll name her Baiza means pure, innocent, bright and brilliant."

"That's a great name my king and for the other child?" Maria asked for which the king hesitated at first then he spoke.

"I'll name her Brangwen which means Dark. I know for sure she will be the dark witch of all. Calling her name will bring bad luck too them."  and smiled evilly towards Brangwen.

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