Chapter - 12

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Reagan's POV

With in a few minutes every thing has gone blank. I've started to blink my eyes again to get clear vision and it worked. But this time I'm not in the hospital. I'm in some other place. May be I've shifted to another memory of her. And this place seems to be familiar. What is this place. Seems to be a cottage. Wait a minute I've seen this cottage somewhere before. Suddenly some one slam opened the door and pushed a child in to the cottage.

"NO... Maria Please don't leave me here. Let me go please. I won't appear in front of father ever again. Please let me go." the little girl shouted slamming the door. She is already wounded and bleeding from her hands and legs . It will take a month to recover from those wounds. Seems like some one has beaten her very wild.

"Never ever think of leaving this cottage ever again you little devil. You are not suppose to be happy. You don't deserve to smile. You are cursed, evil, little devil. If you dare to leave this cottage ever again I'm gonna pin you on these walls and leave you bleed to die, remember that." Maria shouted from the outside.

"But I want to play with Baiza and Brennus. Please let me go Maria. I'm begging you Please Please Please...." the little girl started to cry.

"NEVER!!!" Maria shouted in witch voice from the outside and vanished in thin air.

The little girl started to cry out louder. She doesn't even consider her wounds but she is crying out to play with her siblings. Seeing her cry made my eyes tear up. I've gone near Brangwen and placed my hand on her head. But I couldn't touch her. If I came to know that my mate is suffering from her childhood I must have came to her before. How shame of me. I blamed myself for her suffering. Seeing her crying made my anger build up and I'm in a rage to kill Maria instant.

"You cant change the past idiot, Just calm down and watch." Rey shouted in my head.

"How am I suppose to calm Rey. I can't resist the suffering she is going through right now."

"Will you SHUT UP IDIOT! OR ELSE YOUR GONNA MISS A PART IN HER MEMORY WHAT SHE IS TRYING TO SHOW YOU!" he shouted. Then I realized that she is showing her memory for some reason but to show her sufferings.

Then again my eye visions are gone and after few minutes it came back now I'm in a different place. Its night time now and this place seems to be a garden. I searched for Brangwen every where but I couldn't find her. A few steps away I see an arch. May be that is the entrance.

I approached the arch and I saw the back gate of the palace. Wait a minute this palace seems familiar. This is.... this place is..... Oh My God! this is our palace. What am I doing here? Have I came back or am I still in her memories? What the hell is happening? I was about to open the back door but it opened by some one else from inside. Its Maria. What is she doing here?

She passed through me towards the entrance but she was not alone. She was followed by a man. And that man is non other than my father. MY FATHER!!! Oh God. They must be in affair for so long and I don't know what year it is. My father seems to be little young. I may be in the age of twenties or something.

"Don't forget what I have asked you ok. I need you to do this Maria." he ordered.

"Sure my king. Anything for you. I will not allow those witches to live a life. Don't worry they won't cross their age of seventeen and will never be mated with your son" She said in husky tone.

I was frozen on my spot. My father knew that Brangwen is my mate and yet he tries to kill her with out my knowledge. Why? How? Why did he done that? So many questions raised inside of me. Suddenly one thing strikes me. May because of that only he is doing like this. But he must not has to go this far, to kill my mate before I could found her. How can he do this?

Then again I was dragged to some other place. This time it seems to be a celebration. The whole town was decorated with lights, people everywhere on the market selling things on the stalls, dancing, singing and kids running here and there. Each and every one of them seems to be happy and celebrating some thing but what is the occasion. I didn't gave much interest to that because I'm already in a heart break and I don't know how much is there for me to bear.

Seem like every one is starting to move to a certain place and I think the function which they are celebrating is about to start. So I followed them. I saw someone familiar on the crowd. Its Brangwen. What is she doing here and she is all grown up. She was in a torn dirt hoodie, hiding her self and standing on the crowd facing towards the stage which was made for the occasion. She was smiling brightly. I've never saw her this much happier before. She look lovely and different when she smiles. A decade is not enough to see her smiling like this.

This was a occasion for Crowning Ceremony of the Witch Princess Baiza, soon to be the queen. And also tomorrow is their Seventeenth Birthday, which means they are going to get their full power. I think something big is going to happen.

After the announcements Princess Baiza appeared on the stage along with her father and brother. Her father showed his at most love to his daughter. Then he said some spells over Prince Baize along with the procedure for the ceremony follows. Finally Baiza was crowned as the Witch Queen by his father. The audience cheered the new Queen. But The Queen seems to be searching for someone among the audience. I know whom she is searching for. I just passed the crowd and was about to reach Brangwen but suddenly she was dragged by some one else. I followed the path where Brangwen was dragged to.

She was dragged to the witches dungeon and got tied up with some talismans. All the while Brangwen was in silent, complete silent. She never utter a word, nor tried to escape. She was simply standing there and got tied up. May be she got used to it and she should have known by now that fighting against them will wont work. The Dungeon keeper finally tied her and saw her with pity eyes.

"I am sorry princess. I don't have a choice but to obey the order " the dungeon keeper said.

"Its ok Mr. Ben. I know its not your fault. And I also know what is going to happen to me. Soon, very soon I will leave this world. But I have a wish from you. I don't know even I have the rights to ask this, at least one last time can I meet my siblings please. Just once. Kindly allow me at least to watch them from far. And then I'll leave this world without any trouble. Please Mr. Ben. I'm begging you. Please. At least once. Please!!" with that she started to cry like maniac.

"I will try princess" with that Mr. Ben left the dungeon.

Brangwen know that they are going to kill her and already she prepared herself for that. I kept my hands in my mouth and started to cry along with her. I don't know what came to me but I cried seeing her. Once I return from this memory I decided to shower Brangwen with all the love I could. I should take care of her with all the means that I could and must not let her to sheared a single drop of tear anymore. I promised to myself about this.

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