Goodbye and hello

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"I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Don't worry I won't forget any of you. I will remember you all."
"Oh Maria please write to us!" "Yes what Ronny said. We're gonna miss you so much." Hermione says as she hugs Maria. Harry then stood up from his seat yelling "Hey I wanted to hug her first!" "Well too bad Harry I did it first. Now take that frown off and give Maria a farewell."
It was Marias last day at school and she was leaving to go to Orlando.
"Maria promise we'll still be friends alright? I hope to see you over the summer. I will miss you." Harry hugged Maria tightly and soon afterward Hermione and Ronny joined. "Guys why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?" "I remember that Ron!" They all giggled together already excited for their next reunion. The friend group was unfortunately coming to an end but they each knew someday they would reunite again. They just had no clue when or how.

-11 years later-
Maria and Isa were both eagerly and nervously arriving to Hogwarts in the bumpy carriage. "Mija I don't know how to feel about this tengo miedo. Plus I don't have first period with you." "Ugh cálmate mija you'll be fine. I'll stick with you." "Ayyy ya se mija pero still. I don't know what to expect. Plus this magic stuff is new." "Ayy mija tienes que aprovechar! You can stick the wand up your ass." "Mija Yo no pienso en hacer esa cochinada tf man. How will it even fit?" Maria found herself smirking. "Make it fit." ... "I hate you Maria."

The mood was set for the ride. Unholy and
cheerful. What could possibly go wrong?

The ride soon came to a halt. The carriage had arrived at Hogwarts. Both Maria and Isa slowly stepped out. Isa was freaking out more than ever before. "MIJA ESTA ESCUELA ESTÁ DEMASIADO GRANDE. MIJA TENGO MIEDO. MIJA AYUDA." sigh. This wasn't the first time Isa had freaked out. She'll get through it like she usually does. Ugh este guey. Siempre anda exagerando. "Mija you'll be fine. Just stick with me. You'll get through it I promise you." "okay mija if you say so..."
We both entered the school which was a lot bigger on the inside. There was a pumpkin scent to it. "MIJA LOOK AT DICKY I COULDVE SWORN HE WAS HALF THAT SIZE LASY YEAR HIJOLE QUE PASO." "MANS TENIA HAMBRE AYY." Dicky had indeed grown. We knew his days were numbered. "MIJA WE BARELY STARTING THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND MIJOS ALREADY GETTING JUMPED BY THE SENIORS." You watch as he gets carried and spun around all while looking like a dead fish. "Yeah he's not gonna last" Isa sighs. "Yeah I figured as much." Ayy hopefully I make friends and it all goes well. "Maria ya encontré mi clase i'm gonna enter. Wish me luck mija..." "Ayy trust me all will go well." Isa walks off looking like such a bottom. It's sad how much of a bottom she looks it shocks even me sometimes. I soon find myself entering the classroom. Room 1169. Ayyy that's how you know. That's how you know it's a good class 🌚. I sit down in the back corner next to the window. I figured i'd look more interesting than the others as foolish as that sounds. I anxiously play with my nails waiting for class to start. I then feel a firm hand touch my shoulder. A whisper came out. "Maria?" I quickly turn around frightened wondering whos deep voice that could be. As our eyes meet he seems to be studying me all while being silent. "Hey uh.. would you say you remember playing with a little boy and pretending y'all were married?" All the dots were connected. No mames guey. No Mames. "HARRY-?" I raise my eyes. He lets out a soft chuckle. "Yes it appears that would be me." "I take it you're Maria?" "Ayyyy yes yes of course. You look so much more older and got a lot taller damn." "Hehe well it has been 11 years since the last time we saw each other." "How's Hermione??? And Ronny? Are they here as well?" "Yes I was gonna mention that! They're here in the building. We were originally gonna meet up for lunch with just us but of course you're an exception. I truthfully did not expect to see you here i'm so happy. I missed you so much. You've gotten taller your hair has gotten longer.. you look beautiful. As always" "Ayy you too Harry you too."
The bell rings and class starts.
"Good morning señoras y señores I am señor Caruso and I will be your first period teacher." As Sensei rambles about the rules and unimportant stuff you can't help but notice Harry staring at you. You pretend you don't notice but you feel his intense glaze. It's as if his eyes are locked on you and only you. Ayyy que raro. He's definitely just day dreaming. Eventually you forgot about him and payed attention to sensei for once. The bell rings faster than you getting turned on from degradation. You look towards Harry and sure enough he looks at you a second later smiling the brightest smile. Seriously how can someone have such a cheery genuine adorable smile. He then walks up to you. "Hey I know there is some awkward tension between us so I'd like to start over. Get rid of it. What do you think Maria?" Ayy he knows just what to say at just the right time. "Yes yes id like that." You both walk out of class and find Isa standing there. "Bye Harry it honestly was so nice seeing you again." "You too Maria I'll see you lunch." He waves goodbye happily. Isa however, isn't so happy. "Mija quien es ese? And why is he looking at you like that?" She had her creepy concerned smile on. "Looking at me like what?" "Like the happiest guy in the world."

Like the happiest guy in the world.

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