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Snape walked Eren disappointingly to his office. It was quiet and tense. The only audible noise were their footsteps. Eren followed closely behind Snape.
Once they arrived, Snape shut the door and faced Eren behind his desk.


Although Eren sat, Snape still slightly raised his head to look him in the eyes. He was not used to this considering he was tall and all the british students were short- 🥲

"I have no Idea who you are but I take it your familiar with a few of our students here at Hogwarts. Let me make this clear. There will be no violence with the students. You will follow our policy and expectations. If this keeps continuing you will be banished."

Although Eren was looking at him, he didn't appear to be paying attention. His mind was elsewhere and Snape took note of this.

"I hear you come from Germany."

Eren slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah. The Shiganshina District."

"I'm not certain of how rules worked over there but rules are rules. You're aware of that Mr. Yeager?"

Eren leaned back.
"They are to be followed."

Snape eyed him.
"Personal problems are not to interfere with this campus. Are we clear?"

Umbridge slammed open the door with the brightest shade of pink she could've possible worn 😃.

"Umbridge what are you doing in my office-"

"Why Snape! I witnessed the scene earlier."
She gave Eren the widest smile as her eyes squinted.

"A very messy bunch. Might it be easier if I handle this?"

"He is a new student. It'd be best if we started off with a warning. 500 points deducted from Gryffindor Mr. Yeager"

Umbridge widened her eyes, keeping her bright smile.

"You know as well as I do some students deserve a punishment."

Before she let Snape respond, she told Eren to follow her into her own office and took off.

Once Eren entered her room, he observed all the cat portraits the mad lady had and the brightness of it. He was not used to vivid bright rooms.

"Mr. Yeager was it? Please do sit down."
Eren sat and looked at the paper she had left prepared for him in his desk.

"You see, I ensure students in this school behave. That Potter is quite difficult to get ahold of considering his...reputation."

Eren's eyes darkened as he softly leaned forward.

"What kind of reputation?"

The lady raised her brows. "You haven't heard? Of the 'boy who lived'? Harry Potter is one of the only people to have ever survived the deadliest spell. They say it was out of love. Love from his own mother. A sacrifice they say. Quite sickening."

Umbridge realized she was giving Eren more information than necessary so she quickly silenced herself.

"But yes. I believe that students need a little push to truly learn what they've done wrong. What they must improve on. This is an exceptional school Mr. Yeager. I know you've come from someplace rather different.. but here we do not tolerate students behaving like dirty animals."

Eren leaned closer to her causing her to move back. "You have no idea where I come from. But you do have something in common with them. You're both fat hideous pigs who eat away at nothing trying to gain power and control. I've seen people like you. You destroy yourselves. All on your own. Your only downfall is yourself. Fucking pathetic." He didn't take his green eyes off her.

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