An Eventful Night

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My heart raced as I followed Isa down the hallway after just having gotten up the stairs, the echoes of our footsteps the only sound breaking the silence. The weight of what had just happened hung heavy in the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at my insides.

"Isa," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath as we walked, "I'm so fucking scared."

Isa glanced back at me, concern etched in her features. "Que paso mija?" she asked softly, slowing her pace to match mine.

I swallowed hard, the words catching in my throat as I struggled to find the courage to speak. "It's... it's about Harry," I finally managed, my voice trembling with fear. "He... he just grabbed me a minute ago and whispered something. He was so angry, and I... I don't know what to do."

Isa's eyes widened in alarm, and she reached out to grasp my hand in hers, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Oye mija, calm down. You're all good. We're up here now." she said soothingly, her voice comforting for once. "You're safe now, mija. Harry can't hurt you."

"But what if he does?" I whispered, my voice barely audible above the sound of our footsteps. "He just said I was screwed...what does that even mean?"

Isa's grip on my hand tightened, her expression filled with determination. "Listen to me," she said firmly, her voice unwavering. "You can't keep letting him control you like this. You deserve so much better than someone who makes you feel afraid."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I blinked them back furiously, refusing to let them fall. "I know," I murmured, my voice barely more than a whisper. "But I just... I love him. You know I love him. I dont even know why im scared- he's a good person all he does is-"

Isa finished my sentence for me.

"hurt you."

"That's not true. He loves me he just doesn't know how to show it sometimes...he's just a little scary with his words a veces pero-"

"Mija just admit he's treating you like shit. Every time I check up on you something new has happened. I understand that you love him but I know damn well you see this. How he's hurting you. You literally have marks im not even gonna begin getting into- and your arm is shaking right now.... mija wtf. You know this isn't right"

You were blinking rapidly as tears threatened to come out.

Isa pulled me into a tight hug, holding me close as if she could shield me from the everything that was going on. "I'm here for you, mija," she whispered. "We'll figure this out together, okay? You don't have to face this alone."

As we stood there in the quiet hallway, the warmth of Isa's embrace offering me solace in the darkness, I knew what I had to do. I'd have to leave Harry.

As I walked beside Isa, I couldn't shake the growing realization that she was right. Maybe el Harry didn't treat me the best! Harry's hold on me was toxic and I knew deep down that I needed to break free from it. Although I really didn't want to. But it had to be done. This was really starting to get ridiculous.

But it wasn't just about escaping Harry's grasp; it was about choosing a better path for myself. Eren had always been there for me, a constant source of support and kindness, and I couldn't ignore the fact that he treated me with the respect and care I deserved.

What Isa was telling me only reinforced what I already knew deep down: Harry wasn't the right choice for me. His anger, his possessiveness, his manipulation—it all painted a picture of a relationship that was anything but healthy. And I deserved better than that. As much as I kinda wanted it.

As we walked in the quiet hallway, the weight of my decision settled over me like a heavy blanket, but it also brought with it a sense of relief. I knew what I had to do, and I was determined to see it through yaa!

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