Unanswered Questions

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Don't let her die. Please.

A hand grabbed you from behind, then put one firm arm around you, making sure you were trapped. You try your best to escape this persons arm, but it was simply too strong. You couldn't turn around to look at their face even if you wanted to.
You tried holding back your tears, not wanting to show any vulnerability to this person.
You breathed slowly doing your best not to have another breakdown.

Warm fresh scent.

And then it hit you.
"You should've been more careful, love."
You couldn't hold it in anymore. Your eyes burned as tears rushed down. You felt a knot in your throat.
"It was for us love. I did it for us. Can't you see? We're meant to be!" He softly let go.
"What did I do to deserve this? Do you realize what you've done?" Your vision was blurry from the tears.
"Look at me Maria."
You couldn't bear to look at Harry. Not now. Not like this. Not after what he'd done.
He was upset. It felt like a ticking time bomb. He'd go off any second.
It is like you are being held down by gravity. A strong force prevents you from looking up. But you manage to look up anyway.
"It was the only way. The only way to get you to look at me and me only. Sure Malfoy still stands but..not for long. You're going to help me with that one Maria."
Your face scrunches up, more tears rushing down. You shake your head. "No Harry. This isn't the way. This isn't you."
"We're meant to be together Maria! Do you realize just how long i've waited for you! The amount of work I put on you and gave you. Everything I helped you with. Everything I helped you overcome. I cant look at anyone else in this world this way but you. I feel alone not being around you. Not breathing your air. But as it would stand, Isabel and Malfoy were more important. Do you realize what it is you're doing to me?"
"Harry I-"
He pushes you roughly against the wall, your head banging against it. You become dizzy and your vision decreases by the second. "I warned you darling."
Everything is black as you become unconscious.


You jerk your head up, your breathing frequency high. "HARRY NO!" You then look around realizing where you're at. Book shelf. Window. Red curtains.
Where is Harry. Did he leave me here?
You suddenly hear groaning from the other side of the room. "Mija what the fuck. Cállate I'm trying to sleep. So annoying."
Could it be? Is it really her? Have my ears gone mad?
"MIJA!" You leap forward falling out of bed, your chest hitting the floor, but you don't care. "Mija what the hell-" You hop on her bed squeezing her with both of your arms. "You're alive. I can't believe it you're alive." Isa gave you a frown. "Yes mija- why wouldn't I be alive?" "It was a nightmare mija. Just a nightmare." "Well from the looks of it, it was vivid as fuck. Espera- estas bien mijita?" You didn't realize until Isa mentioned it but you were crying. "O-oh" You wiped it off with your hoodie. Isa was worried now. "Ayy mija estoy aquí no te preocupes." She gave you a long hug. You yelled out loud. "AYYY MIJA TE EXTRAÑE!" "Si si mija" She whispered quietly. "Even though i've been here the whole time...Pero si si mija ayy."

You had yet to tell Isa. Or anyone for that matter. People should be informed. Police should be informed. This was a serious situation. For all you knew, the killer could be one of the students. Ayy I doubt it. Caleb wasn't a close friend but he wasn't necessarily a complete stranger either. He did use to somewhat be my 'crush' after all. His death left you scared and confused but not enough to sob over. After yesterday, you were left in a shocked mental state. And to top it off, the nightmare happened.
Harry isn't like that. He's adorable and is always carrying a smile. He takes care of himself. He is a great friend. Nothing can change that.

But Draco.

Something about him. There is something about him that has me conflicted. The thought of him running up to me squeezing me tightly in his arms. It's not a horrid thought like how it normally is. It sounds good. Perfect even. AYY PORQUE ESTAS PENSANDO ESO PENDEJA. YOU LIKE HARRY AND HARRY ONLY AYY! QUE ES ESTO!
By this point you were questioning everything.
"Mija." Isa looked at you serious. "Uh yes?" You could feel the tension in the room. "What is that." "What is what?" "Below you. On your fucking neck." Isa slowly moved her hand up, her finger pointing at your neck. Ay. Ay dios. You had forgotten about that little detail. Crap she noticed. "Well." Isa raised her brows. "Go on mija, i'm listening." She narrowed her eyes. "About that...how do I put it..." "MIJA NO ES DIFÍCIL DIME." "This is kinda a serious situation mija- but well a lot happened yesterday including cube being dead." She didn't take you seriously. "T-tf?" You deepen your voice explaining everything that had happened yesterday from start to finish. Isa had no words. You could see a lot was going on in her eyes but simply no words came out of her mouth. She would open her mouth to speak but closed it
back again. Finally, she was ready to say something.
"I'm not sure what to address first. Cubes death or Harry's confession. I know this is selfish but it's Harry's confession that concerns me way more." "Ayy same mija.." "Does this mean you and Harry are dating?" "Uhh I think so mija." She loses it. "WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS SUCKING ON YOUR NECK LIKE THAT AND KISSING YOU SO SUDDENLY YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL HIM YOU WANTED TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND WHAT THE FUCK HE JUST WENT FOR IT HE DIDNT EVEN ASK YOU FOR YOUR CONSENT THAT LITTLE PENDEJO I HOPE HE STUBS HIS TOE SO BAD HIS TOENAIL FALLS OFF I HAVENT BEEN THIS ANGRY SINCE HOWARD HAPPENED HARRY THINKS HES SO SMOOTH AND HE CAN TOUCH YOU THAT EASILY HELL TO THE NO" "W-well mija he kinda is smooth-" "CALLATE PENDEJA TU NO SABES TÚ NO SABES NADA ESE CABRON JUST YOU WAIT." "M-mija calmate..." "HOW CAN I BE CALM PENDEJA. TELL ME. HOW" "Sorry mija ayy... moving on." Isa cleared her breath. "Okay well I guess this is where we talk about cubes death!" "Yeah about that- his head kinda rolled to my leg as I was gonna head inside and I just kinda well fell- from the shock I mean." "Maria you mean to tell me your leg was magnetic to his head o que?" "Mija as I was taking the short cut to our dorm at the back of the school I tripped on this trash bag. As I went to untie it..well you know the rest." "Oh my god mija you shouldnt have gotten us into this mess and just have not touched it! Ugh Cubes head would've been perfectly fine hidden. Now we have to report it." You lazily waved your hand at her. "Yeah yeah it ok we can do that later." "Okay fine. In the meantime, let's get ready for first period alright?" "Alright mija."

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