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FRIENDS FOR LIFE, that was a quote that would describe the relationship between Nova Bella Lestrange and Mattheo Riddle

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FRIENDS FOR LIFE, that was a quote that would describe the relationship between Nova Bella Lestrange and Mattheo Riddle.
Their friendship was solid, set in stone since their birth.
Their fathers were the best of friends since their school time so it was unsurprisingly that their kids shared a deep bond.
It didn't matter how often they argue or say hurtful things, they could always rely on each other.

MATTHEO RIDDLE is an impulsive boy, always aggressive and he doesn't own one single drop of patience in his body.
The boy was always alone, in their inner circle there wasn't another child born yet.
His mother left after finding out his fathers true identity when he was merely a 4 week old baby.
Yet he had Ophelia Lestrange née Black, a woman who played with him and fed the boy.
Even though the woman herself was also pregnant.

When he was one year old, the boy wasn't so lonely anymore since another baby was born, his best friend.
The girl was the joy and heart of the death eaters.
A life was given, but another one was taken by the death, her mother.

The curly haired boy waddled on still unsurely legs towards the crib which was surrounded by death eaters and frowned when he saw a crying girl.
The wizards and witches tried to sooth the girl, but she didn't let anyone near her.
Yet that changed when her eyes fell on the curly haired baby boy.
The crying stopped and the boy had a grin on his face, the best grin a one year old boy could muster.

They clicked.

"This is your new friend my son, her name is Nova.", his father, the brunette man announced and looked down at the girl in proud.

While the man was cold to anyone except his son, he also instantly felt different around the girl, also known as his goddaughter.

NOVA BELLA LESTRANGE, daughter of Apollo Lestrange, the right hand of the dark lord.
The girl shared many genes from her family like her dark brown nearly black hair, her icy blue eyes, rosy cheeks on pale skin and soft lips.
The girl was an calmly and quiet person, unlike her best friend.
She was rebellious, childish, but she was always polite and nice, once again unlike her best friend.

The girl may grew up with just a father since her mother died giving birth to her, but she had another motherly figure in her life.
Her aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange.
The noirette just looked like her except the eyes and it made the death eater prouder than anything.
Yet this bond broke when her aunt was sent to Azkaban, the only thing keeping her sane was her niece.

MATTHEO RIDDLE WAS NOW SIX YEARS OLD and he was still the same boy.
Brown locks, pale skin and dark brown eyes, while he was a little bit tall for a 6 year old boy.
Right now he was running towards the room from his best friend.

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