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"TOUCH ME AGAIN.", whispered Nova so quietly Mattheo nearly missed it, but of course he didn't.
He never missed a word that left Nova's mouth.

He stared at her hopelessly with his brown eyes, making her blink multiple times to overcome what she just said.

"I—I am sorry, I shouldn't hav—", before she could finish her words, a small gasp escaped her mouth when Mattheo put her under himself and positioned himself on top of her, his arm holding himself up.

"You want me to touch you Nov?", he whispered breathlessly and stared at her with wide eyes full of desire and love.
Nova nodded, but Mattheo shook his head,"Words, my love, words."

"I want you to touch me, Theo.", she said quietly as blood rushed to her cheeks, tinting them in a pinkish tone.

Meanwhile it was like every dream of Mattheo came true.
His breath shortened as he stared at the girl.
Yet he caught himself and remembered that this was his chance.

His arm steadied his upper body as he leaned up, looking down at her with a lopsided smile.
A smile tugging was seen on the corner of her lip as she blushed furiously under his intense stare.

His other arm went up and down her arm, making goosebumps appear instantly.
She couldn't help it, his touch made her feel like she was on fire.
It went further down her upper thigh, to her leg and up again as she stared at him with so much desire in her grey eyes.

''More.", Nova breathed out,"I want more Theo.", she added and looked up at his red painted face,"Please."

Mattheo's hand wandered once again up and went under her t shirt, making her breath hitched as his hot hand made contact with her cold skin.
He went more up until he was just under her breast, making him stop.

"Please Nov.", he whispered, making her eyes fall to his, to see him looking further down.
"Please, I beg you."

"For what?", she asked in the same tone as she searched his eyes.

He breathed out deeply,"Let me kiss you."

Nova looked at him with slightly wide eyes at this and gulped.
She has never kissed a boy before, there were some girls here and there, but never a boy.
Let alone her best friend!

The noirette nodded, taking his face in her hands.
"Please do it."

Mattheo leaned down, just a small distance between their lips.
His breath was quickened as he brushed his own against hers, making both close their eyes.
Brown clashed with grey as they reopened their eyes once again, before they closed every possible distance in between them—

awkward?", questioned Blaise as the group of friends ate breakfast, his stare fixed between Nova and Mattheo.

Nova faked a frown and answered,"I don't know what you mean.", before taking a sip of her coffee.

Shrugging, Mattheo added,"Me neither."

Frowning deeply, Draco stared at Mattheo and blurted out.
"Did you fuck my cousin?"

Coughing erupted from Nova as she choke on her coffee.
Theodore patted her back as she tried to breath once again.

"You know I wouldn't do this, Malfoy.", bit Mattheo back offended, but gulped.
He wished he did that last night though.

"Now mates, even if they fucked it ain't our business.", Blaise declared, making the pair send him thankful looks.
"Until I am going to be an uncle, because then it matters."

Nova looked at him wide eyed and Mattheo chuckled quietly to himself.

"Not yet, brother.", the Riddle answered, making Nova widen her eyes even more.

Blaise sighed defeated,"I would be such a cool uncle."

Mattheo chuckled together with Draco and Theodore, while Nova looked at him with burning red cheeks.

"Uncle?From who? Pff.", Nova stammered and drank out her coffee, before standing up.
"So I will see you later."

"Where are you going?", Mattheo asked with a frown, but then smirked,"Don't be nervous, darling. It's bound to happen one day."

"As if!", she responded and then shook her head,"I need to go to class."
And with that she hurried away from the boys.

"It's a bloody sunday.", Mattheo called after her, but chuckled once he saw her stopping, before continuing to leave the great hall.
"Oh I love this girl so fucking much."


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