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THEY ENTERED THE GREAT HALL after witnessing the embarrassing situation with Draco and the boy who lived.
How foolish of a Malfoy trying to be friends with the boy who killed the man nearly all purebloods idolize?
Nova and Mattheo broke into a fit of laughter after seeing the scene and got nasty glares from Draco, but they didn't care.

After a little speech from Professor McGonagall who explained the houses, they entered the Great Hall.

The pair looked around amazed.
Hogwarts was looking extraordinary, they both loved it.
The candles flooding in the air and the lights made it look comfortable and comforting.

The first years stopped and listened to the sorting hat, who sang his own song about each house.
Everyone clapped and they started to sort in everyone.

Both, Nova and Mattheo looked rather bored around and waited for them to be called.

"Lestrange, Nova.", the Professor read out loud and said girl gave a quick glance to her best friend, before making her way up to the chair with grace.
Her chin was up, her back straight and she didn't dare to look somewhere else, keeping up her Pureblood facade.

Mattheo was chewing on his lips in thought and hoped that they would get sorted into the same house.
Obviously he knew he was getting into Slytherin, but his best friend was too kind sometimes and he worried for her house.
How could he survive without her?
He knew he could still see her when she was sorted somewhere else, but he couldn't run up to her every moment or sit next to her in every class.
And that would definitely be a problem.

The hat was placed on her and it went unnoticed by everyone how professor Quirrel leaned forward, suddenly interested in this particular student.

"A Lestrange huh?Didn't have one for some quiet years, but I admit it's interesting.
Very, very interesting.
You are very, very ambitious, we can't argue about that and neither can we about your specific kindness that slumbers inside of you.
But your intelligence, your Witt and your proud is overpowering every other trait of you.
Hmm, well let it be—SLYTHERIN.", the hat shouted the last word through the entire hall.

The Slytherin-table, Professor Snape and Quirrel all applauded loudly, while Mattheo grinned brightly at his little witch.
And the sorting continued—

It was excepted that Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin, the same went for Potter and Weasly who were Gryffindors.
And after a certain red head, was the familiar brunette boy.

"Winchester, Mattheo.", Quirrel's head shot up and he watched as the familiar boy went up the stairs, sitting down on the chair.
The professor let it fall on his head and the voice of the famous sorting hat rang into his mind.

"Hmm, quiet interesting this one and a really interesting mind.
You are too ambitious for your own good, my boy, but it can lead you to greatness.
Then there is this girl on your entire head huh?", the hat laughed and Mattheo rolled his eyes at the remark, not being surprised since Nova was always on his mind.

"Well, we shouldn't keep soulmates separated should we—SLYTHERIN.", the hat finished and with an smug smile the boy left towards the clapping and cheering table.

He sat down in front of Nova who gave him a dashing smile, making his smile turn into a soft one.

"I am so happy that we are in the same house, what would I do if we weren't?", the boy questioned dramatically and Nova only chuckled at his dramatics.
Dumbledore gave his speech and the food appeared.

In the meantime 'Quirrel' watched their exchange with a small smile, which went unnoticed by everyone.
Nobody knew that the dark Lord was hiding inside this body, not his goddaughter, neither did his son.
And how happy he was when he saw Mattheo staring at Nova with a longing gaze while she was talking.
His plan that his goddaughter and his son would be together will soon be in action, which made the wizard more than proud.

"So Theodore are you happy with your house?", Nova questioned after sipping on her pumpkin juice.

The dark blonde boy nodded happily and smiled at her before answering,"More than happy.After all my entire family were Slytherins.
Besides I have you as my friend now."

Mattheo glared at the boy while Nova chuckled,"We are going to be good friends."

"Good friends, of course.", Mattheo cut in sarcastically and Nova gave him a pointed look, making him scoff.

"Sorry Theo, he isn't really an open person.", Nova apologised to Theodore, not wanting to be impolite, while Nott was more than nice.

Theodore shook his head and replied,"No, no it's fine.", before turning to Mattheo,"I don't want to interfere anything.I promise."

While Nova was more than confused by this, Mattheo understood the message and smirked to himself.
Of course, no one would ever dare to.

Soon another new boy joined, together with Nova's cousin and the group talked amongst themselves.
Mostly Nova shooting daggers at Mattheo for being mean, but nevertheless they enjoyed each other's presences.

The friend group soon bonded, grew inseparable and an unbreakable friendship is in making, which will remain for years.

The friend group soon bonded, grew inseparable and an unbreakable friendship is in making, which will remain for years

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