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"I TOLD YOU, PAY UP BITCH.", Nova said to Blaise in a cheerful tone and waited for her galleons.

Blaise groaned and then admitted,"I knew he loved attention, but I never thought Potter was keen to die."

The friend group looked at him blinking and Blaise stared at them back.
It was silent and no one moved as they all stared at the boy.

"Okay I take it back, he is keen to die since the first year.", Blaise corrected, making them all nod.

"So, it's a day without any lessons. What are we doing?", Theodore leaned back into the couch and put his arms behind his neck.

Everyone's eyes turned to Nova, who gaped at them,"Why is everyone looking at me?"

"We do what you tell us?", Mattheo answered unsurely and gave her a small smile.

A groan escaped her mouth as she began to think.
She nodded her head and proposed it.

"It's still warm outside and I suppose one of the last days.", she started and saw everyone nod,"Why don't we take a swim in the black lake?"

"You got a bathing suit with you, Nov?", Mattheo asked, making sure that she wouldn't come in her underwear.
Since that is something the girl would definitely do.

The brunette nodded at him and replied,"I have it in my room though, so everyone go change, grab some things you need and we meet back here in 10 minutes."

Everyone left after that and went into their dorms as Nova went into her own.
She never spends any time in her and isn't even sleeping in this room.
The problem was that she couldn't sleep alone, everyone is fearing something in this world.
Well Nova feared to be left alone, in any way.

She put her hair in a half up—half down and chose her bikini.
It was a pinkish- purplish two-piece, which didn't cover much.
The bottom was high waisted and barely covered her arse, not that she really cared.

On top of it, she put on a t shirt from Mattheo, which reached her mid-thighs and a pair of his shorts, which were many sizes too big on her.
Grabbing a towel and her sunglasses, she made her way down the common room.

"Are you ready?", a voice asked and pulled her out of her daydream.
She looked up to see the boys waiting for her excited and happy to go for a swim.

She smiled at them and walked towards the exit,"Let's go."

Arriving at the black lake, they all put their towels on the grass, before Blaise, Theodore and Draco took their shirts and jumped in the water.
For the middle of September, it was surprisingly warm and the three enjoyed the coldness of the water.

Nova took of her shorts and sat down on the towel, watching the boys splashing each other teasingly.

"We ain't joining them yet, huh?", the familiar voice asked next to her, making her look at the brunette boy.

Undeniable Love || Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now