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IT WAS THE 19TH OF JULY, and Mattheo's birthday was now more than a year ago

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IT WAS THE 19TH OF JULY, and Mattheo's birthday was now more than a year ago.
But today was another special day, the birthday of the only Lestrange heiress.

Nova woke up with a smile on her face and instantly started to get ready.
She wore a black dress with white little flowers and put her hair in a half up.

A big smile was spread on her face when she twirled while looking into the mirror.

However her peace was disturbed when many knocks were heard and she turned her head towards the door.

"Come in, Theo.", knowing exactly who it was.

The 13 year old boy literally sprinted into the room, picking her up and twirled her around.

"The best birthday wishes to the best and prettiest girl on the world.", he practically screamed and Nova blushed at his words.

"Thank you Theo.", she replied when he let her down.

"Open it.", Mattheo said, sitting down on her bed with a big box in his hands, grinning like a madman, well he is a madman.

She sat next to him with a grin on her face.
With a hesitant look, she opened the box and smiled widely at the contents inside.
There were her favorite sweets, a photo of them in a picture frame and also two more black boxes.

She opened the bigger one and let out a gasp at the beautiful necklace inside.
It was a heart but his name was engraved on it, making her raise her eyebrow at the boy.

"What?You should never forget about me.", the boy defended himself, making her roll her eyes and he added fast,"Open it."

With a curious look, the noirette opened the pendant and giggled fondly at the photo inside it.
Mattheo had Nova piggyback with a big smile on his face, while Nova was kissing his cheek.

"It's so beautiful.Thank you so much.", she whispered and stroked over the little photo, the memory replying in her head.

"Well of course it is, you are in it.
But open the other one.", Mattheo replied excitedly and pointed to the little black box.

Nova simply rolled her eyes, this boy was more excited than she is.
Nevertheless she opened the box and her eyes widened.
A silver ring was placed inside with a butterfly on top.

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