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|| LOVE ||

"WOULD YOU DO IT?", Mattheo asked his best friend, after receiving exciting news of the Triwizard Tournament

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"WOULD YOU DO IT?", Mattheo asked his best friend, after receiving exciting news of the Triwizard Tournament.

"Firstly I am not of age and secondly I let the Gryffindors being stupidly brave, that doesn't have to be me.", Nova explained and Mattheo nodded eagerly.

"Why wouldn't you guys want it? We would be famous!", Blaise exclaimed in excitement and looked at his friends.

"You can be famous in other way B. No need to risk your life for something that is forgotten in some years.", Nova replied and Mattheo, Draco and Theodore all nodded at her.

"And wouldn't want my girl to get hurt right?", Mattheo questioned, taking Nova's hand and kissed the back of it.

The heiress blushed heavily and the others just tried not to gag at his loving gaze towards her.

"I bet you 100 galleons that Potter will be a champion.", Nova said towards Blaise, who shook his head.

"Potter is a attention-whore, but he isn't smart enough to put his name in it. So 100 galleons.", Blaise shook her hand and they went back to talking.

Soon they got the information that other schools will arrive any moment and started gossiping about them, before the doors opened.

In came girls with in a blue uniform and they all made some little poses, while they stopped walking for some moments.
Every single boy looked at the girls in adoration and Nova couldn't help but admit that they were really attractive.

Her gaze however turned to Mattheo, who was staring at them bored with no interest in his eyes.
The girl didn't understand why, but it made her feel like she was a little child on Christmas.
Nevertheless she turned back to these attractive girls to stare at them a little.

"They are so attractive.", Nova gushed and her friends chuckled at her, while Mattheo simply shrugged at her.

The headmaster of beauxbaton was introduced, who was a very tall woman and the students sat down at the Ravenclaw table with small smiles.

And once again, the doors were pushed open.
But this time there were young men entering the great hall in some brownish clothes, while putting on one quiet show.

Nova stared at them and couldn't even look away as she stared at the boy who played with fire.
She titled her head and watched the entire boys.

"So hot.", Nova exclaimed, making everyone, minus Mattheo, chuckle as he narrows his eyes at the girl.

"Get you one.", Blaise replied as he was talking about the boys as they were simply things.

Nova shrugged and thought about his words.
Wasn't it quiet the time to start with some dates or shags?
She has no reason to wait since the boy she likes, doesn't even realize it.

"You both shut up. Blaise don't you encourage 𝘮𝘺 Nova to do these things.", Mattheo explained lowly in a dark tone and then turned to Nova," And you, I swear on Salazar if you continue to stare, I am going to kill them. And we both know I am not lying."

Blaise swallowed, before nodding, while Nova rolled her eyes at the boy's behavior.

"That one looks good though.", she shrugged and was forced out her trance by someone grabbing her hand.

She turned to the side to see Mattheo grabbing her hand tight.

"Stop. Just stop.", he said and clenched his jaw, there was anger pitting in the inside of his stomach.
Why would she stare at them?

"Theo, for Merlin's sake, stop being so bloody overprotective.
I can look at boys.", she responded, staring back at him with the same glare.

"No you can't have any contact with boys, you know that Nov.", Mattheo huffed, still holding her hand as he tuned towards his plate, even though his hunger has faded.

Nova rolled her eyes with a scoff, ripping her hand from the boy as she picked up all her things and left the great hall without even muttering a word.

Blaise eyes were wide as he whispered,"What the fuck?"

"Why do you always have the need to control her?", Draco asked in anger and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Because, Malfoy, I don't want her with another boy, do you understand?
It doesn't matter if it's out of fun or simple boredom, but it won't happen.", Mattheo explained, he too gathered his things together and left the hall.

"They will be a mess together.", Thedore stated as the boy was out of the hall and the others nodded at this.

", Thedore stated as the boy was out of the hall and the others nodded at this

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Undeniable Love || Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now