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|| 4th YEAR ||

3 FULLY YEARS PASSED NOW SINCE their arrival in Hogwarts.
And once again it was the first September, the day they leave for Hogwarts.

"Darling, are you ready?", the rough voice of Mattheo Riddle rang through the corridor in the manor.

The young Riddle is now 6'2 feet tall and his hair was after all these years, still a mess.
Dark brown locks fall over his eyes whenever he shakes his head.
He lost all his baby fat in his face and you could clearly see his sharp jawline and cheekbones.
His voice grew rough and dark, giving off a threatening vibe.
A nasty long scar adorned his face, starting on the top of his eyebrow to under his eye, making other people even more afraid of him then they already are.
Then there was—

"Just a minute, Theo, I promise.", Nova Bella Lestrange replied in her soothing voice, while putting on some mascara.

Nova grew into a stunning young woman.
Her height didn't change that much and she was now fully 5'5 feet tall.
All her facial features were sharp, her cheekbones high, her lips were plump and full while she still has the same button nose.
Her hair reached now in weakly curls her waist and grew a shade darker.
The grey eyes she owns were framed by dark and voluminous lashes.

All in all, Nova was one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts and had boys running behind her like dogs.
But of course her best friend always pushed them away, considering he was a very violent person.

The door of the bathroom pushed open and Nova came out, grinning when she saw the impatiently expression of Mattheo.

"Don't pout Theo, today our fourth year begins and I need to look good.", the girl explained and Mattheo shook his head at her.

"Come on Nov, you look already gorgeous enough.", Riddle explained and smirked at her blushing face.

"Stop and let's go, what are you waiting for?", she questioned, playing dumb, while both of them left to go downstairs.

Apollo, Nova's father, apparated them to the station, again just telling his goodbyes before diapparating again.

When Apollo left, Mattheo looked around the station, tightening his grip on Nova's hand as soon as he noticed all the stares.

He scoffed and looked down the girl with a certain look in his eyes.
Merlin, how he hated that people stare at his girl.
The problem was everyone knew that she was his girl, just not Nova herself.
But he knew one thing, he is going to change that very soon.

"Come on, we need to enter the train.", Mattheo sighed, trying to forget his thoughts, while letting go of Nova's hand to grab her suitcase.

In silence they entered the train and searched for an certain compartment.
The pair looked at each other as soon as they heard the arguments of the familiar compartment and chucked.

"Good morning people.", Nova exclaimed, while she entered the compartment and was instantly engulfed into a hug from two boys.

"I missed you.", both, Blaise and Theodore exclaimed when they wrapped their arms around her.

"I missed you guys more.", the noirette exclaimed and felt more than comfortable in their arms.

Undeniable Love || Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now