Chapter 1: The Fair

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It was around the time that me and my friends go to the county fair. We go every year and make memories. Like that one time when one of my friends got her first kiss on the Ferris wheel.

We got to the fair around dinner time and I was hungry. "I'm going to go get some cotton candy." I said to my friends as I left. I got my cotton candy and as I turned around I bumped into this really cute guy.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I yelped.

"Naw, it's all right." The guy replied. He was wearing this really expensive looking jacket. It was red and black checkered and it just made his brown eyes pop. He asked me where I was going after the fair.

"I don't really have any plans." I stated. Then he took out a piece of paper and wrote something down.

"And by the way, I didn't get your name."

I blushed "Ellyse." I said as he gave me the paper. I waved bye to him and then I went back to my friends.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Bye guys!" My friend Jada and I yelled to the others. We started walking to my car, a green Camaro with black stripes. Jada was one of my best friends and she was spending the night at my place. We were total opposites, she had dark brown hair and brown eyes that reminded you of chocolate. I was a blonde and had blue eyes. See what I mean by opposites? She's always been there for me and I could tell her everything. So I decided to tell her about that guy in the car.

"Hey he sounds cute," she said giggling, "So he just walked away?"

"Well not really, he gave me this piece of paper." I said taking the note out of my pocket. I looked at it and saw that it had his phone number and name on it. I now knew that his name was Mitchell 'Mitch' Donnell Ralph Hughes. Jada saw me staring at the note and took it and read it.

"Oh my goodnessgracianious, girl he totally likes you!" She gasped with a gleam in her eye. Then we kept talking until we got to my house.

That night around 10 my phone starts ringing. I answered it and it was Mitch! We talked for a few hours (I'm lucky that Jada was asleep) and started hanging out. Then one night he tells me to come over to his place for a movie, who can't resist a movie!

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