Chapter 9: Surprised?

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I woke up this morning, with my head pounding and my eyes still heavy.

I didn't get enough sleep last night. My mind kept going back to Mitch's dreamy eyes, and his lips against mine. It just felt... perfect.

But today was a still a school day. I willed myself out of my bed and came downstairs, to the smell of freshly cooked pancakes.

"Morning sweetheart." My mom said cheerfully.

I smiled. "Hey mom, thanks for the food!"

I sat down at the table, and started to devour my pancakes. They were delicious. My mom really is a great cook.

After eating, I went back to my room and got dressed for school. I waved to my mom and walked out the door.

I drove to school and got there a few minutes before the first bell. I walked in, and saw Eliana and Izzy with another girl.

"Hey guys." I said to them.

Izzy turned to me. "Sup Ellyse." Then she gestured toward the other girl. "This is Eliana's sister, Skylar."

She looked at me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Skylar, nice to meet you!"

Skylar had brown hair that faded to blonde at the tips. She had brown eyes that were lighter than Jada's, and a smile that would always make people happy.

I smiled and introduced myself. "Well I'll see you guys later!"

I walked into math class, looking for Jada. She was sitting down, but then got up and walked over to me.

"I'm so excited!" She said with glee.

I looked at her, confused. "Excited for what?"

Her smile turned into a blank stare. "Ellyse, you were listening to what I was saying in the car last night, right?"

My eyes widened in realization. I didn't remember what she said in the car. I grinned. "Umm, there might be a small chance that I didn't listen..."

She punched my arm. "I knew it! You were too into that little moment you had with Mitch."

"Wait, you know about that?!"

"Are you forgetting I'm like one of your best friends?"

"Oh yeah. Well anyways tell me what you're excited about."

"Okay okay. So remember when Jason called me over for a talk? Well he said that he knew that I had a crush on him, and he told me he kinda liked me too. Then he put an arm around me, and asked if I wanted to go to a music festival with him on Saturday."

"And what did you say?"

"I said yes of course!" She smiled.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed with delight.

We kinda had a little moment and the people that were already in the room looked at us funny. We didn't care though.

"Hey, are you gonna show Eliana and Skylar the house today? If you are I'm coming with you. I wanna see their reactions, not to mention another chance to be with Jason."

I thought about that. Then I nodded.

This got a squeal from Jada. "This is gonna be so rossome!"

"What's gonna be awesome?" Josh came up to us.

We glared at him. "Nothing that should involve you and by the way it's rossome."

He chuckled. "And why shouldn't this involve me, sweetheart?"

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