Chapter 4: School

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The very next day, I had the worst possible thing in the world.

I only had one word to explain it.


Some people think school is dreadful. All the homework, lectures, and school lunches really take a lot out of you.

Others think that school is the best thing that has ever happened to them.

I mean, seriously?

For me, I have a love hate relationship with school. Some days I'm happy to be at school and see my friends when other times I wish I could've just slept in.

Today was the day when I wished I could've stayed home.

I walked to my locker thinking about that moment when Mitch hugged me. Suddenly my thought process was disturbed by voices. I heard two very familiar voices yelling my name.

"Ellyse!" I heard Jada and Izzy yell across the hallway.

I turned around to see them waving at me like two crazy people (which they were).
I smiled happily and quickly waved back at them.

They walked over to where I was I gave them both a hug.

"Hey, so how was the fair?" Izzy asked.

"It was great! You should've been there!" I yipped. Izzy wasn't there with us at the fair. She had a family dinner to go to that she couldn't miss.

Izzy was fairly similar to me in looks. We both were blonde hair and had blue eyes. The only difference was our personalities. She loved video games and was a tomboy. I was the exact opposite... Except for that once-in-awhile rare occasion that I did play a video game with her and Jada.

"Aww... I'm really sorry I couldn't go." Izzy sighed.

"That's okay, maybe you could go to the one next year." Jada replied.

We started to walk to our first period class. Jada and I had first period honors math together, while Izzy had history.

We got to our classes and waved to each other. Jada and I walked into math, and took our seats.

As I sat down my mind kept going back to Mitch's dreamy eyes and adorable smile.

I guess I had that dreamy look in my eyes, because in the next moment I heard Jada laughing at me.

I looked over at her and asked what she was laughing at.

"I'm laughing at you silly!" She said wiping tears out of her eyes.

"What did I do that was so funny to you?"

"It was your face! You we daydreaming!" She giggled.

I felt my face turning red.

That's right I haven't told her about Team Crafted, Mitch hugging me, or my developed crush on him.

Should I tell her? I mean she can keep a secret. She also might want to know about that Jason guy too...

"Can I talk to you about something important?" I asked her desperately.

She looked at me anxiously. "Dude, you can tell me anything and you know that." She pointed out.

"Well, okay. Here it goes."

I told her about how I went to Mitch's house to watch a movie, meeting Team Crafted, and how Mitch hugged me.

She stopped me at that part. "Wait he hugged you?" She said surprised.

"Yeah, I guess he did." I blushed. Then I told her about all of them being YouTubers and finally about Jason.

She looked at me getting more interested.

"Hey does this Jason, who I find not hot at all, single?" She asked smiling.

I laughed at this. "Wow. Just wow."

"What? I'm just wondering..." She said.

"Are you going to tell Izzy about this?" Jada asked.

Wow... I haven't even thought about that. She really was always a step ahead of me.

"I'm not sure yet." I said nervously.

"Wait you said that you met Team Crafted, right? She likes this one guy who's a part of Team Crafted. What was his name? I think his name was Ian or something." She blurted.

I fact I did remember that Ian was a part of Team Crafted. That's when I got the idea.

Next month was Izzy's birthday and the school dance was the same week. Maybe.

Just maybe...

~Magical Time Skip~

I sat at a lunch table with Jada and Izzy. Izzy was telling us about all the funny things, she did with her cousins, at the family dinner. Jada and I laughed with her, but were soon interrupted.

It was the perfect cliché. The people who walked by were the people that all three of use absolutely hated.

Populars. This might sound like something from out of a movie, but it was true.

Their leader Ashley Garret, was probably what some people saw as perfection. She was blonde, tall, and knew everyone at school. You could say that she was the gossip girl.

Then, there was Lauren Kim. She was the second prettiest girl in school behind Ashley. Her brown eyes and hair always made guys beam near her. She was the so called 'athletic one' and always won at anything that involved a sport.

Finally the third prettiest girl, Kristina Webber. Every day there was a brand new designer outfit that she wore. While her outfits were the best, her grades weren't. She was failing every class and had to bribe her teachers to keep them in the C range.

We hated them. Every time when we applied for a sport, student body president, or even prom queen, they would win. They would always tell us that we weren't good enough at anything, from being athletic to getting people to like us (guys especially).

"Oh look at the little wannabes." Ashley said, grinning evilly.

"Hey that's a really cute bracelet." Lauren commented on. Kristina giggled next to her.

"Yeah I'll take that." Ashley started to take a purple bracelet from Izzy. That bracelet meant a lot to her. She told us a while back that it was for a YouTuber named Seto.

Jada looked at the three of them, and then smirked with a devilish smile. "Hey you three? You know Josh Colby? The most popular guy in school? I over heard him saying he was trying to choose which one of you to date..." She grinned.

"Wait really? He did say that? Omg, I hope he picks me!" Ashley cheered.

"No, he's going to pick me!"

"What are you talking about? ME!"

The group left us alone, and went over to Josh to go bother him.

Did I mention that Jada was great at negotiating?

Anyways the rest of the day went by in a flash. I had had a pretty sweet day so far.

Maybe school wasn't so bad...

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