Chapter 16: NO

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I woke up in my bedroom.

Wasn't I at the Team Crafted house?

I yawned and got up. I looked in the mirror.

I'm in the same clothes as yesterday.

"Honey! Come eat breakfast!" I heard my mom call.

Oh yeah, school...

I went downstairs and greeted my mom. I poured some cereal into a bowl and started eating.

"Hey mom, how did I get home?"

"Oh, Mitch brought you home. That boy is really sweet isn't he?"

I nodded. "Yeah he is."

When I finished my cereal, I went upstairs and got ready for school.

Then I got in my car and drove to Green Ridge High. I parked my car and went off to find my friends.

"Hey Ellyse guess what we're gonna do today!" Eliana said excitedly.

I shrugged. "What?"

"We're going dress shopping!" Skylar said.

We all squealed. Well everyone except for Izzy.

"Heh I'm not really fond of dresses." She said looking at her feet.

"That's okay. We shall find you one if its the last thing we do!" Jada declared.

The bell rang for class. "Well good luck with that." Izzy said, waving to us.

I walked with Jada to math. We sat down and listened to another one of Mrs. Valdez's boring lectures.

"Alright. Now I'm going to pass out a worksheet, that I want you to complete. If everyone finishes in time, then we can watch YouTube!"

The class was in shock. This was probably the one time anyone had heard Mrs. Valdez be cool.

"Are you serious? If you are then that amazing!" Josh said.

"Dude I am very serious."

Then she passed out the worksheets. I tapped Jada on the shoulder.

"Wanna work together on these?"

She nodded. "Partners."

We finished the worksheets in less than fifteen minutes. We gave them to Mrs. Valdez.

She looked at us with surprise. "How did you get done so fast?!"

We shrugged and stood at her desk while she checked the worksheets.

"Very good girls! You're done first and got all of the questions right!"

She handed the worksheets back. I smiled. "Thanks Mrs. Valdez!"

We walked back to our seats and started chatting. Pretty soon more and more people started turning in their worksheets.

Then the projector was turned on. The class cheered. Everyone raised their hands to suggest a video.

After watching five videos, the bell rang for the next class.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Tell us now!"

"Why should we? You definitely don't deserve it."

The populars were at our table, begging to see the guys again.

They wanted to hook up with them! They were asking us how we met them!

Jelly much?

"Ashley for the last time! No, we aren't letting you date them!" I yelled.

She stomped her foot. "We will make them ours!"

I rolled my eyes. "Good luck with that."

Then the did the one of the funniest things I have ever seen. They flipped their hair, turned on their heels, and cat walked back to their table.

As soon as they left, we all burst out laughing.

"Dude they are soooo desperate!" Jada said in between laughs.

"Not to mention spoiled." Izzy joked.

During our little laugh fest, no one noticed Caden standing behind me.

He tapped my shoulder. "Uh Ellyse?"

I turned around in my seat. "What can I h-."

I saw it was Caden and clenched my fists.

"Oh its you..." I growled at him.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

I groaned. "Ugh fine."

I got up and followed him out of the cafeteria. He brought me to a hallway.

"Okay so I was thinking that we got off on the wrong foot the other day..." He started.

I rolled my eyes. "Get to the point."

"I was wondering if you would give me another chance, by going to the dance with me..."

Is he serious right now!

I gritted my teeth. "Caden, no!"



I stormed off toward the cafeteria. Caden followed me.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes! Yes you did! Caden listen, I'm with someone else okay?"

"Okay... Sorry about bothering you..."

He put his hands in his pockets and walked off. When he turned a corner, I could hear sobs coming from that direction.

Oh no, now I feel bad.

I bit my lip. "Caden wait!"

I ran down the hall and found him sitting on the floor, his back against the wall.

I sat next to him. "I know you like me, but I'm with Mitch."

He nodded slowly. "I know. He's really lucky to be dating you."

"Maybe I don't go to the dance with you, but I'll save you a dance?"

He looked up at me and nodded. "Yeah that would be great."

I smiled. "Well I'm gonna head back to the cafeteria."

"I'll go back in a second."

I nodded and left him there. I walked back to the cafeteria and sat down at our table. My friends studied me.

"So um what happened?" Izzy asked.

I told them what happened in the hall. When I finished they were all quiet, as if taking all this new information in.

"Well let's just hope Benja doesn't get jealous." Jada said breaking the silence.

Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter. I couldn't think of anything good to write about.

So far I have gotten two entries for the cover contest and they're both really good! Keep it up guys!

~Silver :p

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