Chapter 12: Awfulness

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I woke up the next morning happy. Well, until I remembered that I had a date with, ugh, Caden.

I really hate myself for getting into this.

I regretted saying yes to a date with him. I wasn't using my brain.

I tried to look on the bright side of this.

Well, I don't have to worry about anything major till maybe about 7.

I got up and brushed my teeth. Then I went downstairs. My dad was at the table sipping his coffee and watching the news. My mom was in the kitchen, cooking eggs and bacon.

I walked over to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I stood at the table drinking my glass of OJ, staring at the TV.

The news anchor had just finished talking about politics, when he suddenly said something about a music festival.

Getting more interested, I went over to the living room and sat on the couch, watching the anchor.

"A music festival that happened just yesterday, is getting more support from the community. Yesterday a teenage boy found his way to a DJ stand and started to play some tracks, his girlfriend off to the side choosing the songs." The anchor said.

"Eventually people gathered around this commotion and became a mob. Two teenagers by the names of Jason Probst and Jada Melick have brought this music festival back alive."

I almost did a spit take when I heard their names. My dad noticed this. He looked at me concerned. "Something wrong, Ellyse?"

I shook my head quickly and swallowed the last drops of orange juice.

Wow, so Jason and Jada brought the music festival back. I wish I could've seen it in person.

I went back to the table and sat down. My mom finished cooking the eggs and bacon.

I put the scooped the eggs onto my plate. Then I went to the cabinet and got the bottle of Tabasco sauce.

My mom stared at me in disgust. "How can you have that stuff on eggs?!"

I shrugged. "I guess I can handle that hot and spicy taste."

She rolled her eyes and bit into a strip of bacon. "Anyways..." My mother murmured, dragging on for the question. "How was the date with Mitch, sweetie?"

"Oh, it was awesome. He took me on a picnic and then we played with some pets at Pet Smart!"

My mom smiled. "I really like that boy. He seems very sweet."

"Not to mention that he likes hockey." My dad added.

I finished my plate and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Yeah, he's very kind and funny." I said. "And those eyes..."

I started drifting off. Then my dad snapped his fingers, making me come back from my dream world.

"Ellyse? Did you just zone out for a second?"

My face reddened. "Um, pass?"

My dad was about to comment when my phone rang.

I ran upstairs to my room and answered it.

"Hey, wanna come over for awhile?" I heard Jada say on the other end.

"Yeah that would be great!" I said excitedly.

"Alright. You think you can be here at like 11 AM?"

I glanced at my clock. "Yep! I can make it."

"Sweet! See you then!"

She hung up. I put my phone on my bed and went to the railing of the stairs.

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