1. Should we drink for that?

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Music was playing loud and people around me were getting more and more wasted each minute. I wasn't enjoying the atmosphere too much. Yes I liked the music but alcohol and drunk people were not exactly my cup of tea. Yet here I was, drink in my hand and trying to figure out where the hell did Pauline disappear. She has been in the restrooms for a while already and I was getting bored. After waiting another ten minutes I finally saw that tall blonde girl walking towards me, apologizing expression painted on her face.

"Sorry... The line was terribly long because one booth was ...sort of ..out of order.. "she sat down and looked at me.

"It's fine.. I think I'm actually going to leave.. You know I'm not a huge party animal.." I smiled to her and grabbed my bag next to me.

"Yeah I know you are not a party animal, but a terrible party pooper. Come on girl, it is your birthday... Have fun... What are you gonna do back home anyway? Watch Netflix until you fall asleep?" Pauline asked and sipped her mojito. I just rolled my eyes and looked around the bar. People bumping into each others, drinks being spilled on the floor and some guys were fighting. Yeah, definitely a fun place to be.

"Pauline, seriously.. What's so fun about being here.. I can just go home and flush my money down the toilet right away because if I keep drinking then that's what I'm gonna do anyway.. Just in a different form"

"Miryam..Please... You turn 25 like.. Once. I already agreed to you that we're not gonna throw you a big party so this is gonna be it and you are going to drink" Pauline stood up and pointed me with her indexfinger.

"Now sit there and I'll go get us some shots because you are still too sober to have fun" and with that she turned around and walked to the bar.

"Fucking hell.."I sighed and took out my phone to see what time it was. The digits on the upper corner showed it was 22:47 and I also had few birthday messages to answer.

"Okay grumpy cat" Pauline sat back to me with 10 tequila shots, lime wedges and salt.

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked her looking all the shots and as well as I knew myself, I was gonna be so dead tomorrow. I did not drink much usually because there were alcoholics in my family and I did not want to end up like them. I also knew if I drink, I am might lose control over myself so plenty of reasons not to drink. So to avoid all the problems, I usually chose not to drink.

"I am" she said and lined up five shots in front of me and five in front of her.

"Just please, do not worry.. I know you are scared that you ruin your life with these but face the facts babe. You don't have a drinking problem. Drinking like once in a year on your birthday is not gonna make you an alcoholic. You can be sober the rest of the year but tonight.. Come on.. " she was really working hard to make me throw those drinks down.

"Oh well then..But if I do anything stupid then it's all on you" I smiled to her and took the salt and poured it on my left hand to the part where my thumb and index finger met.

"That's my girl" Pauline smiled and took the salt from me. When she was ready, we counted to three, licked the salt, shoot down the terrible liquid and sucked the sour juice of the lime. We were both making faces because yes, we both hated tequila.

"Why did you took these... " I cursed and took a sip of water.

"Because. Let's take the other one before you start regretting" Pauline said and poured new patch of salt on her hand. I had no choice than do so aswell and soon the second shot was down. Still tasted terrible.

Few hours and I don't know how many tequila shots later the party was on. Drunk Miryam and sober Miryam were from different planets and if those two met, the only similarity they had would be the looks. Long red hair, big blue eyes and tattooed sleeve on the right arm. But what came to the personality, then they were like day and night. If sober Miryam was very conscientious kindergarten teacher who knew her limits, then drunk Miryam was not. She loved to party and do not so smart things. And that was another reason why sober Miryam did not want to drink. But the drunk side of me was now taking control of my body and walking me to the dance floor, throwing myself into some random guy's neck who just seemed to look nice.

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