14. You know I'd really like to kiss you

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The whole Friday I had to listen how Jaana talked about her Tinder matches and was so excited about the upcoming date she was about to have on Sunday. I find it hard to believe that she really went to Tinder and actually managed to find someone who was up to meet her. This world was getting crazier day by day and I was afraid that I just get lost into the craziness. Pauline was having so hard times to keep her laugh back while Jaana babbled about some Asko or Esko who she was going to meet. I could only nod and smile to her because I did not know what to say to her. She asked about some great pick uplines and couldn't help but to burst into laugh because I remembered Niko telling the best pick up line I've ever heard while we were at the bar after the concert the band had.

"What?" Jaana asked and looked at me confused.

"It's just that.. A friend of mine said that the best pick up line would be to ask if something smells like chloroform. But I think it is smarter to use if you want to get rid of your date... Might be useful tho, if he is not what you expected him to be" I said while trying to gather myself.

"I keep that in mind" Jaana laughed for my surprise before she stood up and pulled on her jacket.

"You can always say that he has a nice shirt. But that it would look better on your bedroom floor" Pauline was really walking on thin ice. Jaana looked at her for a moment before lifting her thumb up. 

"But it's time for me to go now. Have a nice weekend!" she said and walked to the door.

"Just remember protection!" Pauline quietly yelled to Jaana's back when she left the office and that killed me. I really hoped that she did not hear that or Pauline for sure did not have a job on Monday.

"Girl you just.. " I laughed.

"I just what. Come on, you saw how happy she was after she got her first match.. And believe me, she is gonna be in much better mood after she gets some so be prepared for some super happy Jaana next week" Pauline winked and went to help some kid whose mother just walked in.

I shut down the lights in the studio and started to walk towards the door. Robyn and Pauline were supposed to come tomorrow again topractice the dance. I just hope that they haven't forgot it because we haven't been able to practice during this week. And I was really looking forward to meet Robyn again. We had been in touch a bit and she had became a good friend to me. She was very easy to talk with. And to be honest, I was able to talk more about the Niko situation with her than with Pauline. I've known Pauline since high school but she has always been the fun and outgoing whereas I was sort of tagging along and more like a wall rose in every situation. I lacked self-confidence and the pole dancing has given me some of that now  but I still did not like to be in the centre of attention. Guess that's also why all the attention I was getting from Niko felt so weird to me. I had had only two boyfriends in the past and neither of them gave me as much attention as Niko was giving so I just had hard time to get used to it.

While I was locking the door, I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my hips and I yelped. I was ready to fight so hard that I had my both hands put into fist but then I heard familiar laugh behind me and I was turned around.

"Shit you scared the hell out of me..." I punched Niko to his stomach.

"Sorry.. I couldn't resist.. It's great to see you tho" he smiled and pulled me into hug.

"Yeah, you're lucky I did not pop your eyes out.." I laughed and wrapped my hands around him. I did not realize how much I actually missed this since now when he had his strong arms around me and I had my face buried in his jacket.

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