VII. Forks

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I sat at the end of a long wooden table in the Cullen's dining room

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I sat at the end of a long wooden table in the Cullen's dining room. The whole coven was gathered around the table, including a tall, well-built Native American man who I assumed was Jacob, based on his close proximity to Renesmee.

After I had forced down half a sleeve of crackers, the whole family left Dr. Cullen's office and gathered around the table. Jacob arrived shortly after we settled into our seats. It was a tight fit, considering there were eleven of us total, but we made it work.

I was nervous about being surrounded by vampires - I was freshly traumatized from Italy and it took a considerable amount of effort for me to not scream at the top of my lungs and make a run for it. I pushed my fear down and stayed put. I had already survived so much. I could get through this.

"Thank you for joining us," Dr. Cullen said kindly. The rest of the table ceased their side conversations and focused on the matter at hand. "I know you must be exhausted."

"Thank you for not throwing me out," I smiled, although there was a bit of a bite in my tone. "I know I'm causing your family a lot of trouble."

"We've faced worse," Dr. Cullen assured me.

I smiled at his words half-heartedly. I wanted to believe him, but it was difficult.

"What do they want?" I asked bluntly. "Why was I sent all the way here?"

"I know you have many questions, but let's start with proper introductions," he smiled.

"Oh. Okay." I was antsy and it would be difficult for me to sit through pleasantries, but I wanted to be polite. It was the least I could do.

"I'm Carlisle," Dr. Cullen began. "And this is my wife, Esme."

"Hello," the woman with soft caramel waves greeted me. I couldn't resist returning her smile.

"You've met Edward, Bella, and me, of course," Alice chimed in.

"And Renesmee," I added, who was sitting directly to my right. She gave me a shy smile.

"This is my husband, Jasper," Alice introduced the tall, blonde man who was seated next to her.

"Hello," he said politely with a slight southern drawl.

A wave of warm tranquility washed over me as I gave him a small wave.

"This is Rosalie and Emmett," Edward gestured toward the stunning blonde woman and the burly man with a playful smirk.

"Nice to meet you," Rosalie said, though the look she gave me was abrasive. I couldn't blame her. I appeared unannounced on their doorstep with a lot of incredibly dangerous baggage.

"Good to meet you," Emmett grinned. "It's nice to have a new face around here."

"Thanks." I was relieved that the Cullens didn't seem to mind me being there. For the most part.

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