XXIV. Dilemma

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"Boyfriend, huh?" Jane's voice echoed from the closed bathroom stall directly behind me as I was washing my hands

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"Boyfriend, huh?" Jane's voice echoed from the closed bathroom stall directly behind me as I was washing my hands. She kicked the stall door open, revealing her face which was contorted into a sneer.

"Jesus, Jane! Were you crouched on the toilet waiting for me to come in here?" I exclaimed. I hadn't heard her enter the room, though, in my defense, I'd been preoccupied with my thoughts.

"Not that I approve of such a crass label," she continued, completely ignoring my question. "But it's about time."

"You didn't answer my question," I turned to face her as she exited the stall.

"I just said that it's about time you and my brother were officially together," she stated.

"Yeah," I said, glancing at the ceiling impatiently.

"You don't have anything to say about that?" she asked, growing sour.

"No. Not really."

"Nothing at all?" She continued to fish for a reaction.

"Okay," I said impassively. "One, I don't care what you think about my relationship with your brother. And two, you're probably lying."

"I'm not lying," she blinked at me.

"And I still don't care," I reiterated as I dried my hands with a paper towel.

Jane's expression morphed into a glare.

"There you go! That's much more convincing," I mocked as I tossed my used paper towel.

Instead of fighting back, Jane simply narrowed her eyes at me and abruptly left.

My annoyance with Jane compounded with my reluctance to face Alec, which caused me to panic. I felt really good about Alec, but becoming an item freaked me out. Maybe it was because it was one more step closer to returning to Italy. Maybe it was because I knew what the vampire term for boyfriend was and I wasn't mentally prepared to accept that I was Alec's mate.

Either way, I knew I had to get out of town and blow off some steam.

Instead of going to my next class, I called Renesmee and invited her out for lunch. She enthusiastically accepted and within fifteen minutes I was back in my Jeep and racing towards La Push.

Renesmee was waiting for me on the porch when I pulled into the Black's driveway. She looked adorable in her acid washed overalls and grey t-shirt. Her bronze ringlets bounced as she jogged up to my car and climbed in.

"Did you get permission from your warden to leave the reservation today?" I teased.

"Fuck him. Let's go," she said simply.


"Sure, thing. Port Angeles?" I asked as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Perfect," she smiled.

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