XVIII. Progress

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That night I slept better than I had in weeks

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That night I slept better than I had in weeks. No nightmares, no restlessness, nothing. I woke up feeling incredibly refreshed. I knew I wasn't out of the woods with all of the vampire nonsense, but I was starting to at least understand it.

I stayed in bed for a while, listening to rain beat against the windows. I savored the tranquility of not being metaphorically locked into a guillotine. I was planning on lazing around in bed through the better part of the day but the sweet smell of vanilla wafted into my room.

Curious, I crawled out of my warm bed and pulled a comfy sweatshirt over my tank top and leggings combo that I'd worn to sleep. I wandered into the main living space, which was an open concept living room and kitchen, and surveyed the scene to see what was going on.

Surprisingly, Jane and Alec were fussing around the stove while Felix and Demetri were splayed across the couches watching TV.

"Good morning," I said after being ignored for almost a full minute.

"Good morning," Felix replied with a smile before returning his attention to the flat screen.

I blinked at him a few times, dubious. I hadn't expected a verbal response. Demetri looked at me briefly in his usual bored way and returned to the TV, as well.

Jane and Alec bickered over the large skillet on the stove for a few more moments before acknowledging me. Jane looked at me with an unreadable expression and returned to the skillet; Alec turned all of his attention to me, a beautiful smile spread across his face, like the sun breaking dawn.

"Good morning," he called across the room.

"What are you two doing?" I asked as I joined them in the kitchen.

"It's a surprise," Jane said, glancing over her shoulder at me. She didn't smile, but she didn't glare, either, so I took it as a minor win.

"We're almost done. Why don't you watch some TV?" Alec suggested.

"Okay," I said and shuffled out of the kitchen area. I paused to assess the seating situation. Felix and Demetri were still stretched out across both couches so I had two options: ask one of them to move or sit on the floor.

"Would you like us to change the channel?" Jane asked from behind me.

I gave her a questioning look.

"If the show offends you," she elaborated.

I looked over at the TV to see what she was referring to. I finally understood what she meant when the Investigation Discovery channel logo flashed across the screen. They were watching a true crime show. I looked back at the twins who were staring at me owlishly, waiting for me to react.

Laughter bubbled deep within my chest and, unable to control myself, I burst into a fit of giggles.

The twins' expressions didn't change as they continued to stare. I was catching on to the fact that their facial expressions didn't always mirror their thoughts or emotions. Centuries of being Volturi soldiers gave them flawless poker faces and it seemed like they used them more often than they noticed.

Their lack of expression did nothing but make me laugh harder. Their empty stares began to shift into confusion when a plume of smoke rose from the skillet. Upon realizing their creation was burning, Alec grabbed the handle quickly and tossed the skillet into the sink. Jane looked flustered as we watched a fire ignite in the sink. The hot pan landed on a dish towel that happened to have fallen into the basin.

I sobered up from my laughter and jumped into action. I grabbed a pair of tongs and snatched up the flaming rag. Alec raced over and threw the front door open and I flung the rag outside into the pouring rain.

"French toast?" I asked Alec.

"Yes," he said sheepishly as he closed the door. His sister was dumping the contents of a large silver bowl into the trash can. Her lips were pursed into a grimace.

"That's really nice," I said. I immediately regret not thinking of a better word than 'nice'.

"Perhaps frozen waffles will do," Jane said after composing herself.

"I love frozen waffles, but you don't have to do that. I can make them myself," I said.

"We insist," Jane said with a smile. It was strange.

"Okay," I agreed. It occurred to me that their attentiveness was probably an olive branch. My conversation with Edward and Bella at school must have shaken them up.

"Do I need to change the channel?" Felix called from the couch.

"No, it's fine. I actually really enjoy true crime," I said.

"Hm. That's ironic," Demetri remarked to Felix intentionally loud enough for me to hear. Felix snorted a laugh.

"I like horror movies, too. That doesn't mean I enjoy murdering people myself," I snapped at them.

Demetri peered at me from over the back of his couch. He looked amused rather than offended.

"My apologies," he said sarcastically.

I was too impressed with myself for finally getting a reaction out of him to stay annoyed.

"Thanks!" I smiled cheekily. Tired of Demetri's attitude, I returned back to the twins. Jane was rummaging in the freezer for a box of Eggos and Alec was in the middle of brewing me a pot of coffee.

It was so...sweet.

I took a seat at the small round table in the breakfast nook and gazed out the window at the rain. It was incredibly soothing.

"Bon appetit," Jane said in a perfect accent as she set a plate of waffles in front of me.

"Thank you so much," I said earnestly as Alec placed a mug of coffee and a fork on the table. "You guys are so kind. You didn't need to do all of this, really."

Jane gave me a terse smile before fluttering away to the other bedroom - Renesmee's former nursery, if I remembered her stories correctly.

"Sorry about the French Toast," Alec said, taking a seat across the table from me.

"What are you apologizing for?" I laughed. "It'll be a great memory."

"It's a shame you won't remember it after you turn," Demetri commented.

"You know, I think I liked you better when you didn't talk," I clapped back.

"He has a point," Alec hedged.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know how it works. We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"Any day now!" Felix remarked. He and Demetri chucked amongst themselves.

"I hope you two like Forks," I said, stabbing a piece of waffle with extra force. "We're going to be here awhile."

"Really? How do you like your math class?" Felix retorted.

I glared at the back of their heads and continued to eat my breakfast. In reality, it was just for show. Internally, I was thrilled. I was actually starting to feel like one of the gang.

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