XXI. Talent

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The drive to the karaoke bar was over twenty minutes, but thankfully Alec didn't stay miffed for long

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The drive to the karaoke bar was over twenty minutes, but thankfully Alec didn't stay miffed for long. I knew I would only irritate him more if I laughed at him, though it was very difficult not to because of the sullen little look on his face.

"Do we need IDs to get into this place?" I asked Alec as after me climbed out of the car in the bar's parking lot.

"The website said eighteen and up."

"How are we supposed to get in? I don't have a fake ID, do you?" I asked, growing annoyed that I hadn't asked these questions before we drove all the way out there.

"I'm nineteen. Technically," he said.

"I'm seventeen!" I exclaimed.

"Yell that a little louder," Alec said sarcastically.

"I'm a senior in high school. I turn eighteen in November," I said in a tone that strongly suggested that it was common knowledge.

"I'm afraid I'm not particularly familiar with the American public school system," he admitted without inflection.

"Let's just come back in a few months," I said, eyeing the bouncer by the front entrance. "I don't think they're going to let me in."

"Just act natural," he said, offering me his arm.

I looked at him cynically.

"Trust me."

I sighed in defeat and looped my arm in his. "I guess we won't know until we try."

I kept my chin up as Alec and I approached the bouncer confidently. Before the bouncer could ask us for IDs his eyes became unfocused and his face morphed into a mask of confusion. Without breaking our stride, we walked straight past him into the bar.

"How did you do that?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder. The bouncer was behaving normally again, checking IDs and sizing people up.

"What can I say? I'm talented," he grinned.

"I'm serious," I prodded as we claimed a vacant table near the wall. "What did you do?"

"You're familiar with gifted vampires, I assume."

"Yes," I nodded.

"I can deprive people of all of their senses. They go dark. The bouncer has no memory of us walking through because he couldn't see or hear us. If he had reached out and touched us, he wouldn't have felt it."

"Wow. That's...useful." And dangerous, I added mentally.

"It is, especially because I can affect multiple people at once. My sister and I are the highest ranking members of our coven. Other than our leaders, Aro, Caius, and Marcus."

"What can your sister do?"

"The opposite. She can inflict excruciating pain with her mind. Unlike me, however, she can only affect one person at a time."

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